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Special Announcement - Liberty Political Action

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May 5, 2012

Last year, the first-ever Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC) drew over 700 grassroots activists to Reno, Nevada, for a weekend of educational speeches, networking, and top-notch political training.


I’m proud to announce that C4L is once again hosting LPAC, and this year, it’s coming to the East Coast!


LPAC 2012 will be held at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, from September 13-15, and it will bring together exciting personalities and leaders in the liberty movement to discuss sound money, foreign policy, civil liberties, and the constitutional hot button issues facing our country today.


It will play host to freedom activists from across the country and will showcase conservative, libertarian, constitutional, and free market organizations, and businesses.


LPAC 2012 will also feature comprehensive grassroots trainings, book signings, receptions, and private briefings.


A ticket to all three days of the main Conference events costs only $120, but you can click here to take advantage of our special Early Bird rate of only $85.


A three day student pass is available for only $40 to those who can present a valid student ID at check-in.


For those who want to be equipped with the tools and practical knowledge it takes to achieve victory for our ideas on the local, state, and national levels, our special Saturday grassroots political training is available for only $50.


Our training will teach you how to turn your passion into action, hold your legislators accountable, grow support for your efforts, and much more.


If you’re interested in exhibiting at LPAC 2012, please click here.


For more information, including details on reserving your room at the Marriott at the special LPAC rate, visit right away.


Be sure to mark the site in your browser, as more details on speakers and Conference events will be added in the coming weeks.


LPAC 2011 was an exciting weekend that provided liberty activists a chance to relax, recharge, learn more about the issues, and train for future victories.


LPAC 2012 promises to be even bigger and better, so I hope to see you there!



In Liberty,

Matt Hawes

Vice President


P.S.  C4L is proud to once again be hosting the Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC), and this year’s edition is coming to the East Coast.


LPAC 2012 will be held at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, from September 13-15.


Tickets to all three days of the main Conference events are only $120, but you can click here to take advantage of our $85 Early Bird discount.


For more information on tickets, reserving your room at the special LPAC rate, and exhibiting at the Conference, visit right away.