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Occupy Rallies and Mayday March Peaceful in DC: A Journalist's Journal

Marta Steele

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May 1, 2012

May 1 is International Workers' Rights Day in most countries of the world, though not here. Barack Obama chose to celebrate it in Afghanistan. Here follows an account of an anarchist/labor rally and march today in Washington, DC.


Crowds milled around the White House the early evening of May 1, a spectacular day. The usual cast-iron gates seemed more protective than ever, even though the president preferred Afghanistan to this scenario closer to home: an Occupy DC rally and march.

Would the Occupiers be distinguishable from all these tourists? I wondered.

There were so many nationalities--parents and kids, turbans and saris, hardly a black person in sight. You can tell the American whites from others because they are smug and loud. Are they part of the 99 percent? They don't seem to be, exuding prosperity as they do.

Where are the Occupiers? I ask a policeman. "Who?" he asks. "The protesters. Are they on the other side?" "No, they'll be here."

It's seven and I don't see them. Here comes another crowd, but protesters don't wear peach-colored shorts.