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Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

There is a growing chorus of radical voices chanting, “hate group, hate group, hate group” rising from the far left, pro-homosexual groups, and the liberal media.  This accusation is aimed at many people and groups that conservative Christians like you and I have long appreciated for sharing our values and perspectives.  People like you and me, and groups like Liberty Counsel.

We must never lose sight of the fact that our adversaries wouldn’t spend any time even thinking about us if we weren’t hindering their plans to remake America into their godless, socialist image!  As never before, we must demonstrate a unified stand – or we could lose the battle against the demonization of our shared values and culture.  Please read my vitally important message below – Mat.          

First, I want to say a heartfelt “thank you” to the thousands of respondents who are helping us get the “Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools” into another 10,000 schools in Florida, North Carolina, and Michigan.  Our ultimate goal is to get this handbook into all of America’s 100,000 public schools.

I believe our 100,000-school initiative is “mission-critical” in countering the onslaught of radical pro-homosexual strategies and the anti-religious movement being thrust on our nation’s public school students, faculty members, and administrators.

This Handbook is helping empower students and parents to understand and act on their constitutional, religious, and moral rights. We are impacting the generation who will soon be America’s leaders!

++Liberty Counsel undertakes many worthy projects every month.

I just finished putting together our Fiscal Year-End Partners’ Report for the period that will end on June 30 of this year.  Even I am sometimes surprised at how many important cases, educational projects, events, publications, and other activities Liberty Counsel  undertakes in a year!

As soon as we finish with the 2011-2012 Report, I’ll include it in an upcoming message for your review.  Anita and I always encourage friends like you to share in our sense of accomplishment when considering Liberty Counsel’s many activities, because without your help, our work is literally impossible!

April 2012 was an unusually intense period for us and as a result, Liberty Counsel’s general budget suffered a shortfall for the month.  I need your help to overcome this deficit at a time when we are being inundated with requests for legal assistance.

As I mentioned before, this time of year my team is extremely busy with answering numerous requests from students, parents, and teachers looking for clarification on their right to pray or acknowledge God in commencement ceremonies – and to gain an understanding of their constitutional rights in public schools or any other public arena.  

These requests come from concerned citizens who are experiencing misinformation, unjustified censorship, or other forms of unconstitutional suppression of their freedom of speech…often instigated by the ACLU or other anti-faith, anti-liberty groups. 

As always, we need your prayers, your input, and your participation as we continue to fight to protect religious liberty, to defend life, and to strengthen the family.

Right now I am asking you to take a simple step. Please stand with the Liberty Counsel legal team with your financial support – today if at all possible. 

Please, go here to make your best gift to help us close out the month of April on solid financial footing:

++The core values of our society have never been under such devastating attack.

This historic election year, when America’s destiny will be determined by what happens at the polls, we expected radicals to initiate strong attacks on our freedom of speech, our freedom of association, our freedom of conscience, and on the rights of religious groups to address the issues in public forums. 

It’s happening to an even higher degree than we anticipated – and we are fighting back every day!

As a proven friend of Liberty Counsel, you are well informed about the attacks on our core liberties and you know that these battles will continue throughout 2012 and beyond.  You know our goals and initiatives in defending life, liberty, and family.

Thank God, we have already experienced a tremendous number of legal victories this calendar year!

The truth is, we win over 90% of the cases we litigate and resolve 95% of the cases that come before us without even having to go to court.  But in order to win, we have to show up – and we can’t do that without you. 

Every gift from friends like you helps us fight against the radical groups who want organizations like Liberty Counsel to wither up and go away, thus giving them an unobstructed path to achieving their radical goals.    

Please consider a gift of $20, $50, $100 or more today.  I only ask that you prayerfully give as the Lord leads you.

America's pro-moral, pro-faith citizens have never needed legal champions like Liberty Counsel's dedicated litigation team more than now! Especially when our opponents are trying to turn the tide of public opinion against those of us who hold faith-based values by labeling us as being “haters.” 

Our adversaries are also doing everything they can to turn our legal system against people of faith, but we FIRMLY believe we can prevail with God's help and the support of thoughtful Christian citizens like you.

Will you continue to stand with Liberty Counsel? 

Please answer this crucial call today!  We will be grateful to count you among those who have answered the call to faithfully defend liberty, life, and family!

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. The radical left is aggressively “demonizing” pro-life, pro-family groups by labeling us as “hate groups,” while also aggressively trying to shut down ANY public expression of faith! Meanwhile, we are processing a tremendous number of requests for legal counsel, and we greatly need your support! Please, go here to stand with us:




+ + Comments? Questions?


Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776