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Wall Street Fills Malaysian Streets With Unrest

Tony Cartalucci

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April 28, 2012

"Bersih" movement run by Soros-funded frauds seek to restore IMF functionary Anwar Ibrahim to power.

April 29, 2012 - In a repeat of last summer's protests, yellow-shirted mobs calling themselves "Bersih" have taken once again to the streets in Malaysia demanding "clean elections." Their tactics and demands mirror similar movements that have come out into the streets in Russia and across the Middle East, and just like in Russia and across the Middle East, they are entirely funded, directed by, and working for the interests of Wall Street and London.

Bersih's rank and file are responding to legitimate concerns regarding inequities that exist across Malaysia's diverse population. Ethnic Malaysians are perceived to be receiving more benefits and upward social mobility than Malaysia's large groups of ethnic minorities. Likewise it is perceived that Malaysia's ruling government has an unfair advantage come election time. However, the movement's demands and tactics seek simply to destabilize Malaysia politically and return known Western collaborators, and in particular Wall Street proxy and International Monetary Fund (IMF) fu

ctionary Anwar Ibrahim, back into power.