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Liberals pushing new pro-homosexual school laws.

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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April 27, 2012


President Obama, the American Civil Liberties Union, and liberal Members of Congress have united to advance a new component of the pro-homosexual agenda that will impact every public school student in America. 


Please see my crucially important update below – Mat.

Last Friday, the White House officially joined with the ACLU and scores of Senators and Congressmen, all of whom are pushing for passage of “student anti-bullying legislation.”

The statement released by the White House said…

“He [President Obama] is proud to support the Student Non-Discrimination Act (SNDA), introduced by Senator Franken and Congressman Polis, and the Safe Schools Improvement Act (SSIA), introduced by Senator Casey and Congresswoman Linda Sanchez. These bills will help ensure that all students are safe and healthy and can learn in environments free from discrimination, bullying, and harassment.”

In a separate release, Senator Franken said… 

My Student Non-Discrimination Act would protect LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) children from bullying in the same way that children are already protected from bullying because of their race, gender, disability, and religion.”

++What could be wrong with a bill that discourages bullying in schools? 

Both the SNDA and SSIA bills elevate the LBGT lifestyle to a special “protected and equal” category to existing protected catagories of race, gender, disability, and religion. 

But the fact is, EVERY student ALREADY falls into at least two of the existing four protected categories without any additional legislation!  

The pair of new proposals would empower the Department of Education and other federal agencies to provide funding for and deploy educational programs specifically designed to achieve LGBT lifestyle “equality.”  These programs would present the LGBT lifestyle as “normal,” if not “admirable” and “desirable.” 

In other words, these bills advance ill-advised and unnecessary indoctrination and promotion of the homosexual lifestyle in our public schools at public expense!

The language in both of these bills is very broad, which opens the door to a wide range of interpretations of appropriate enforcement.  They speak of “perceived” orientation and “associations” with LGBT people.

As you probably know, Liberty Counsel has seen numerous instances already in which the “bullying” label is attached to anyone who expresses a negative opinion of the LGBT lifestyle whatsoever – especially if the comments come from a religious viewpoint. 

++So-called “anti-bullying” laws inevitably lead to censorship.

Liberty Counsel has already defended many victims of censorship due to their school system’s misguided “broad interpretation” and misinformation concerning existing laws and standards.

Brandon Wegner, a 15-year-old Wisconsin public school student, was bullied, censored, punished, and ridiculed for writing an op-ed article in his high-school newspaper (under faculty supervision) explaining the Biblical view of homosexuality and supporting natural, mother-father adoption.

Liberty Counsel is defending Brandon and his First Amendment rights.

Dakota Ary, a high school freshman in Fort Worth, Texas, was suspended from school for merely stating his Christian view on homosexuality to a classmate.  His teacher had previously posted a photo of two men kissing in the classroom, telling students that homosexuality is becoming more prevalent in the world and that they should "just accept it."

The teacher charged Dakota with “possible bullying” and indicated, “It is wrong to make such a statement in public school.”  This was a classic example of a person in authority using “anti-bullying” rules to bully a student!

Liberty Counsel defended Dakota against this overzealous teacher's assault on his rights. Dakota was fully exonerated and the teacher was placed on administrative leave!

Jerry Buell, a former “Teacher of the Year” at Mount Dora High School in Florida, expressed his disapproval of same-sex “marriage” on his personal Facebook account, on his personal time, using his personal computer.

Citing a potential “ethics code violation,” the Lake County School District responded by taking away his teaching privileges and reassigning him to administrative duties.

Liberty Counsel represented Mr. Buell, who was vindicated and fully reinstated. 

These cases are just a few examples of why Liberty Counsel strongly opposes the SNDA and SSIA bills.  No student should be bullied for ANY reason – nor should ANY class of sexual orientation be elevated above others!

++Ignorance of existing rights is no reason to pass MORE laws!

These days, Christians who hold pro-moral views on homosexuality are much more likely to be bullied in public schools than those who have pro-homosexual views.

That is one reason why I believe that Liberty Counsel's “Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools” is a must-have reference that should be providing guidance in EVERY SCHOOL in America!

I have asked my staff to prepare 10,000 more books to ship to schools in Florida, North Carolina, and Michigan.

We are very close to achieving that goal – but I need your help right away to make this happen. Click here now to make this book distribution possible:

++Our offense is also our first line of defense! 

Pro-homosexual indoctrination is happening across America in our schools through the instigation of powerful organizations that are encouraged by a sympathetic president, a left-leaning Senate, and deep-pocketed, radical organizations like the ACLU.

These “change” agents' goal is to systematically reshape American laws and social structures while recruiting and indoctrinating our children and grandchildren into ultraliberal viewpoints.

The only way they can fully achieve their agenda is to silence the voices of their opposition – God-fearing Americans like you and me. 

But we will not be silenced!

The “Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools” handbook makes our voice heard in public schools!  It was compiled from decades of legal expertise in fighting for the rights of students and school employees to exercise their First Amendment rights!

Click here to help us on the final leg to sending 10,000 more handbooks to our schools:

THANK YOU in advance and God bless you as you help take back our tax-funded schools!

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. Thank you to those of you who have already helped in this important Liberty Counsel initiative. Together, we must stop pro-homosexual bullies from dominating our schools. That's why we are asking you to help sponsor ten schools – or many more – even if you have already sponsored schools to receive our powerful Handbooks.

We must help misguided administrators gain legal understanding. Getting Liberty Counsel's "Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools" to school administrators is an excellent first step. Go here to help:

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776