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Wells Fargo

Tim Newman,

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April 23, 2012

Two of Kathy Sontag's daughters, Brittany and Cassie, were diagnosed with a rare immune disorder -- they both required months of grueling treatment and even bone marrow transplants. They left their home in Inola, Oklahoma for months on end while fighting to survive.

But medical bills piled up. Kathy, a single mother, missed work to care for her daughters. She says the payments on her home mortgage are becoming too much for her, and so she's been asking Wells Fargo to adjust her loan payments.

The bank hasn't budged. Now Wells Fargo wants to foreclose on Kathy's home -- in just weeks, Kathy and her daughters could be homeless.

Kathy didn't give up in her fight to save her daughters, and she's not giving up now. She started a petition on asking Wells Fargo to modify her home loan so that she and her daughters can stay in the only home they've known together.

Click here to add your name to Kathy's petition.

The home Kathy shares with Brittany, Cassie, and her third daughter is no ordinary home. When their neighbors heard about the girls' illnesses, they decided to pitch in. They transformed Kathy's home, including extensive repairs and a new ventilation system, all designed to make the girls' recovery as easy as possible.

When her daughters finally were able to return home, wearing face masks to protect their fragile immune systems, they were greeted by their friends and neighbors holding signs and cheering. "The whole community got together," said Kathy. "It was like they did their own version of Extreme Home Makeover."

Kathy's daughter Cassie told a local reporter when she returned home, "It's really amazing 'cause I knew they cared, but I didn't think they cared enough to build a new house and get us all this stuff. I'm shocked. I love it."

Now Kathy, Brittany, Cassie, and the rest of their family could lose their special home. But Kathy has seen other homeowners save their homes from foreclosure. She's hoping that if the public comes to her side -- much like her community came to her family when the girls first got sick -- she can save the only home her girls have ever known.

Click here to sign Kathy's petition to Wells Fargo to reevaluate her case and modify her mortgage so her family can keep their home.

Kathy fought to save her daughters' lives -- now she's fighting to save her home from foreclosure.

Thanks for being a change-maker,

- Tim and the team