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Bank won't cancel dead student's loans

William Winters,

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April 20, 2012

A family tragedy. In 2004, Ryan Bryski's younger brother, Christopher, went into a coma following a traumatic accident. The coma stretched on for two years. Christopher passed away in 2006, when he was just 23 years old.

Heartless creditors. Even though Christopher has been dead for six years, Key Bank is still trying to collect on $50,000 of his student loans -- Christopher's dad has even had to come out of retirement just to make the monthly payments. Nearly every other major lender (Sallie Mae, Wells Fargo, Citi, etc.) works to forgive the debts of students who pass away. But Key Bank refuses to follow suit with the Bryski family.

You can help. Christopher's brother, Ryan, started a petition on asking Key Bank to forgive Christopher's debt. Ryan believes that shining a public spotlight on Key Bank's heartless behavior will force them to follow the lead of other major lenders and forgive the debts of students who pass away.

Click here to sign Ryan's petition asking Key Bank to forgive Christopher's debts.


- William and the team


Here's a lot more information about Ryan's campaign, in his own words:

On June 17, 2004, my brother Christopher Bryski sustained a severe traumatic brain injury in a tragic accident. He remained in a persistent vegetative state for two years before passing away on July 16, 2006. That's when the calls began.

You see, our dad cosigned Christopher's private student loans with Key Bank. When Christopher died, Key Bank came after my dad to get their money back. Our dad has had to come out of retirement to make the monthly payments. When Christopher died, my family didn't just lose a loved one -- we inherited debt for an education that will never be used.

Key Bank's actions are dramatically out of step with the status quo. The federal government and even large private student lenders like Sallie Mae and Wells Fargo all forgive student loans once the borrower dies. But over the years, Key Bank has ignored our calls to take this humane step.

In the years since Christopher's death, my family has tried to keep others from facing what we have. We've worked with members of Congress to pass "Christopher's Law," which would make sure student borrowers and their families know exactly what could happen if they die or become disabled, and we've started a website about our efforts to get Christopher's Law passed.

This work has been meaningful and important. But it doesn't change the fact that every month we're reminded of my brother's death in the worst way every time dad puts a check in the mail to a heartless bank. That's why I'm asking Key Bank to relieve my family of this terrible burden and discharge my brother Christopher's student loan debt.

Thank you,

Ryan Bryski and Family

U.S. Air Force Veteran