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Nugent: Secret Service was with me at NRA

Joe Kovacs

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April 18, 2012

Rock legend Ted Nugent is apparently not fretting over his expected discussion Thursday with the U.S. Secret Service over comments some leftists believe amount to a threat on President Obama’s life, possibly because agents of that agency attended the event at which he spoke.

“I will be polite and supportive as I possibly can be, which will be thoroughly,” Nugent told Glenn Beck today.

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Nugent, best known musically for his hit “Cat Scratch Fever,” sparked an uproar on the political left after addressing the National Rifle Association in St. Louis over the weekend.

He told the NRA “if Barack Obama becomes the president in November, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

“Guess who was there with me [at the NRA],” Nugent later told radio host Dana Loesch. “Heroes of the Secret Service and the FBI and the ATF and the federal marshals – law-enforcement and military heroes from every imaginable agency who believe in the Second Amendment and the First Amendment, and I’m using both of ‘em.”

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The 1970s guitarist who has since become a champion for American gun rights says he’s very friendly with members of the Secret Service in particular.

“The Secret Service are my buddies,” Nugent told Loesch.

“They work for me. I pay their salaries, and I mean that seriously. But also, I train with the Secret Service. I conduct federal marshal raids here in Texas. So I rely on these heroes of the federal agencies to save my life during these raids on fugitive felons. I know a lot of people don’t know that, but I’m very active in law enforcement. So when you say Secret Service, all I can do is get a big grin on my face and realize that we’ll either be shooting some taxpayer ammo at targets or we’ll be eating barbecue.”

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped Nugent’s comments, saying, “Mitt Romney surrogate Ted Nugent made offensive comments about President Obama and November’s elections this weekend that are despicable, deplorable and completely beyond the pale.”

“We have more than 200 days to go in this election,” she added. “If the GOP and Romney are willing to accept this kind of rhetoric at this stage of the campaign, I can’t imagine what they’ll accept in September and October.”

Nugent responded by calling her a “brain-dead, soulless, heartless idiot,” and her remarks merely encouraged him to stand stronger.

“This is the Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’ playbook,” Nugent said. “The Nazis and the Klan hate me. See, I’m a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally, and there are some power-abusing corrupt monsters in our federal government that despise me because I have the audacity to speak the truth to identify the violations of our government, particularly Eric Holder and the president and Tim Geithner, ad nauseam. And I spoke at the NRA and I will stand by my speech. It was 100 percent positive.

“It’s about ‘We the People’ taking back our American dream from the corrupt monsters in the federal government under this administration and the communist czars he’s appointed. And if anybody has a problem with that, call 1-800-NUMBNUT and [leftist filmmaker] Michael Moore will try to explain it to you as he searches for soap.”

Audio of Nugent on Dana Loesch’s radio show can beard here: