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Grassfire Nation Update

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Despite the White House's best efforts to sway public opinion during the ObamaCare Court hearings, it bombed.


In a news release this morning, Grassfire Nation reported more than 437,000 petitions opposing Obama's statist healthcare takeover have been signed by grassroots Americans throughout the U.S.


Go here to read the news release.


+ + A Big Thanks to our team from Grassfire Nation


As we pointed out in our alerts throughout the week, the Obama propaganda machine did their utmost to paint a picture for the media that was vastly different from reality. Signs saying "Americans love ObamaCare!" were all captured and broadcast by liberal news outlets from coast to coast, yet it was nothing more than a show -- a White House ruse to overwhelm and silence the opposition.


But they failed.


From petitions to faxes, and phone calls to rallying friends and family, the Grassfire Nation team has never been more proactive!


On behalf of everyone at Grassfire Nation, and our sister networks, and Patriot Action Network, thank you for your outstanding efforts!


You have our word that we will continue to lead the grassroots charge to expose the lies and deception of ObamaCare and this administration, while continuing to give our team opportunities to express their concerns and objections.


Through we will continue providing the latest news and cutting-edge analysis on ObamaCare and the continuing efforts of this administration to reshape our nation.


Go here to read today's top story: "Obama's biggest lies: Fiscal Policy, Energy and ObamaCare."


And "Liberals Don't Even Know What Judicial Activism Is."


We also encourage you to visit and join Patriot Action Network, one of the largest conservative social action networks in the nation.


This vast network of proactive Tea Party Americans is on the very pulse of our nation with news, information, and opportunities to connect with grassroots Americans both in your state and beyond on a wide array of topics and discussions.


Go here to check out Patriot Action Network.


As you can see, Grassfire Nation is all about action. And we are grateful that you have chosen to stand with us during this critical time in our nation's history.


Thanks again for all you do!


Grassfire Nation


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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