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Big Oil Tax Subsidies -- End Them Now!

The Wilderness Society

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March 23, 2012

gas pumpTell the Senate to vote Yes on the Repeal Big Oil Subsidies Act!

Are you feeling the pain at the pump? I know I am. Watching the numbers quickly speed by as I’m filling my tank makes me think that there has to be a better way. Fortunately, there is.

We need clean energy alternatives to fossil fuels. Yet, taxpayer money that could help develop clean energy flies away in tax breaks to filthy-rich oil and gas corporations.

What is the issue?

This Monday, your Senators will cast a vote on oil subsidies. The Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act (S. 2204) would remove $4 billion of Big Oil’s unnecessary tax breaks, and focus on finding clean energy alternatives.

The planet — and your pocketbook — need your help to support this bill.

Why is it important?

  • Big Oil took in $4 billion in unnecessary tax breaks last year.
  • The $4 billion in tax breaks could have gone to finding clean alternatives to paying $4 a gallon at the pump.
  • Oil companies made $137 billion in profits last year. They make an additional $200 million every time the price of gasoline goes up a single penny.
  • Big Oil doesn’t need relief from pain at the pump. We do.

Monday’s bill will help support Clean Energy alternatives — not Big Oil tax breaks.

You can help

Act now! The vote will occur Monday afternoon. Tell your Senators to vote YES on the Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act (S. 2204)


David Moulton, Senior Director of Legislative Affairs