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Less than one week to reach one million

Eric Schlosser and Gary Hirshberg

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March 21, 2012

It's make it or break it time. We have less than one week to reach our goal of sending a record-breaking ONE MILLION comments to the FDA in support of labeling genetically engineered foods. We only need 3,500 more people to send comments to the FDA to meet our goal, and we need your help!

Next Tuesday is the FDA's "due date" to respond publicly to the petition calling for GMO labeling -- and every comment is a statement that Americans care about what's in their food. With our one million comments we will be making history: This will set a new record!

But we need your help in this race to the finish line. Please forward the email below to friends, family members, and colleagues and ask them to join you in contacting the FDA.

We all have a right to know whether our food has been genetically engineered so we can make informed decisions about what we eat or feed our families. In fact, against the backdrop of a deeply divided nation, polls show that more than 92 percent of Americans agree on labeling GMOs.

This issue cuts across partisan lines, and with your help, our leaders in Washington won't be able to sidestep this issue any longer. Help reach this milestone by making one last push to the people you know.

Send the message below to 5 of your friends or family members -- tell them we have a right to know how our food is produced.

When you signed our petition on demanding that genetically engineered foods be labeled, you stood up for the right to know how our food is produced. Please help again today to reach this momentous goal.

Thank you,

Eric Schlosser and Gary Hirshberg




Dear friend,

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is preparing to approve genetically engineered salmon, which would be the first genetically engineered animal on supermarket shelves in the United States. The salmon is engineered to produce hormones year-round that cause the fish to grow at twice its natural rate. But without labels, we'll never know.

We need to speak out now, because there's less than one week left until the FDA must respond publicly to a petition calling for labeling of genetically engineered foods -- and we need to make sure the FDA knows how ordinary Americans feel about this issue before that deadline.

That's why I submitted a comment to the FDA demanding that genetically engineered foods be labeled. And in about 30 seconds and with just a few clicks, you can join me. Will you tell the FDA that you support mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods too?

Please, click on that link and contact the FDA today. They need to hear from more people like you and me.


(Your Name)