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Petition Delivery opposing ObamaCare Friday, March 23

Grassfire Nation Update

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March 20, 2012

Grassfire Nation Update

Just days from now Grassfire Nation and its partner Conservative 50 Plus, will be delivering tens of thousands of petitions to the U.S. Supreme Court opposing ObamaCare.

With the hearings scheduled to begin March 26, Grassfire Nation and Conservative 50 Plus, a conservative alternative to the left-leaning AARP, is turning to citizens who have already signed this important petition to help us rally and mobilize an additional 20,000 citizen signers before our delivery deadline.

Forward the message below to your friends and family and urge them to make their voices heard in opposition of ObamaCare by signing our national petition before our Thursday noon deadline.

Send this message today.

Patrick, should Obama’s unconstitutional healthcare reform plan be fully implemented, Americans over the age of 50 stand to be the plans biggest victims. Here’s just a small sampling of what we can all expect:

--Obama’s own actuary says under ObamaCare, Medicare will be savaged by $575 billion in this decade alone.

--Coverage, prices and access to healthcare for seniors will be negatively impacted by ObamaCare.

--Healthcare rationing will be implemented by ObamaCare’s “Independent Payment Advisory Board.”

--And just last week the Congressional Budget Office reported ObamaCare will cost $1.76 trillion over a decade” far surpassing the original $940 billion forecast when first signed into law!

And pumping up Obama’s failed plan is AARP -- a left-leaning organization that stands to reap millions from ObamaCare. They are eager to “sell” mature Americans on the “benefits” of ObamaCare, but in truth, experts have been carefully combing over the plan since it passed into law and have yet to uncover anything even remotely close to a benefit.

+ + Express Your Outrage. Add Your Name Today

Patrick, later this week, Grassfire Nation and Conservative 50 Plus will commence to delivering tens of thousands of petitions to the court -- prior to the hearings, and we are eager to represent you!

Americans cannot afford to be silent as this attack on our liberties continues.

Don’t delay. Deadline to sign our petition is quickly approaching and we want to make certain that every mature American has an opportunity to express his/her outrage.

Go here now to sign our petition opposing ObamaCare:

Conservative 50 Plus is committed to honestly representing you, your family and friends through this important upcoming petition delivery prior to the hearings.

+ + Rally Your Friends to Stand Against ObamaCare

After signing, help us rally mature Americans who haven’t yet engaged on this critical issue that stands to adversely impact every American -- but especially those 50 and older!

Forward this message to 30-40 friends, urging them to join with you in opposition of ObamaCare and the trampling of our First Amendment rights by signing the petition.

Click here to sign:

With your continued help Conservative 50 Plus and Grassfire can make a substantial grassroots impact against ObamaCare before the hearings begin.

Thank you for being such a key part of our team.

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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