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83,000 citizens send White House message

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation - Grassfire Nation Update

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March 19, 2012

Great news! You have helped us more than TRIPLE our initial goal for the "Keep Rush On Armed Forces Radio" petition. The petition now stands at 83,000 signers. We have extended the deadline to TUESDAY NOON in the hopes of reaching 100,000 signers. 


Please help spread the word. Two ways:


1. Post on Facebook by clicking here.


2. Forward the message below to your friends and thanks again for signing!


Thanks so much!


Grassfire Nation


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(Forward this message)

From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation


Friend of freedom,


As you may know, a Far-Left petition calling for Rush Limbaugh to be banned from Armed Forces Radio is being hosted on the official White House web site. Last week, we learned that the anti-Rush petition reached 25,000 signers -- enough to merit an "official response" from the White House.


Meanwhile, a petition supporting Rush was languishing with just a few hundred signers.


That's when we decided to get the Grassfire team involved -- and the results have been quite impressive. At first, we hoped to eclipse the anti-Rush petition. By Friday, we had done that -- with 32,000 signers. 


This morning, I checked and Grassfire's petition had more than doubled again. At last count, we have more than 83,000 signers.


We originally set a deadline of midday Monday. Because 100,000 petitions is now in reach, we have extended the deadline one day to NOON TUESDAY for inclusion of your petition in our first delivery to the White House.


We cannot allow the Left to silence the voice of conservatives. Please sign the petition today so your name can be counted in our first delivery to the White House


100,000 petitions would nearly quadruple the number of petitions the Left has gathered. Then, we will demand a response from the White House.


Thanks for taking action.


Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation


Go here to sign:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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