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Special Tea Party tribute

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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March 16, 2012

Happy 3rd anniversary!


It's been almost exactly three years since Americans from all walks of life took to Main Streets across this great nation in one of the greatest, peaceful citizen revolts in our history...


The Modern-Day Tea Party.




What started with “Santelli’s rant” spread first to the streets of Chicago, then to 40 cities and then to hundreds of communities as millions gathered for the April 15 “Tax Day Tea Parties.”


Those “Tea Party” events have helped re-shape our political world -- shining the light of truth on runaway government spending and re-focusing the debate on Liberty and Limited Government. And Grassfire Nation team members are intimately connected with the Tea Party.


Grassfire's Eric Odom helped spearhead those first rallies in Chicago and managed the "Tax Day" website that served as the online hub for the birth of the movement. Patriot Action Network's Darla Dawald served on the national committee for the first major rally in our nation's capital. And hundreds of thousands of Grassfire Nation members took part in this great moment in American political history. So, Happy Anniversary!


+ + Special Tea Party Tribute


To help commemorate the 3rd Anniversary of the modern-day Tea Party, Grassfire Nation is thrilled to offer our team “Signs Of Freedom” -- one of the best tribute books honoring the legacy of the Tea Party.


This "coffee table" style tribute book takes you on a journey through the eyes -- and the signs -- of citizen-patriots who moved a nation with their passion and resolve.

In appreciation of your contribution to Grassfire of ANY AMOUNT, we'll send you "Signs Of Freedom" as a keepsake reminder of all that the Tea Party movement has meant to our nation. Please go here to secure your copy:


The Left has done everything in its power to demonize and destroy the Tea Party. They have called us terrorists and zombies who have held our nation "hostage." Just about every email from the Pelosi machine or the Obama campaign talks about the "radical Tea Party." But the truth is, the Tea Party represents the heart and soul of this great nation. And what motivates us is a deep love of our country and a desire to save our freedoms from the Big Government statists.


I hope you will request your "Signs Of Freedom" tribute book -- in honor of what millions of patriotic Americans did three years ago in reigniting the flame of liberty in our land.


Steve Elliott


P.S. In the coming years, I hope to use my copy of "Signs of Freedom" to share with my chhildren and grandchildren about this incredible movement in American history called the "Tea Party." This coffee table quality book can help tell that story.

Go here to see the "Signs Of Freedom" Tea Party Tribute Book and request your copy.

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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