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Rush-banning petition now "official" with White House

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation - Grassfire Nation Update

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March 14, 2012

An official White House web site is hosting a petition calling for Rush Limbaugh's radio show to be banned from Armed Forces Radio -- the radio network that reaches America's military worldwide.

The petition claims “a moral objection to our tax dollars being used for such a purpose.” Just this morning, the petition received the required 25,000 signers to warrant an "official response" from the White House to this petition. 

This is part of the Left's attack campaign against conservatives. They want to censor the only conservative voice on the AFR weekday lineup which includes liberal activst Ed Schultz, who called  Laura Ingraham a "right-wing slut."

+ + Rush Banning Petition "Official" With White House

As I noted, the White House-hosted petition just crossed the 25,000-signer goal and now warrants an "official response" from the White House. Meanwhile, a petition to stop this outrageous effort to silence Rush and the conservative voice on the same White House web site has just a few hundred signers.

Grassfire Nation wants to change that. I want to flood the White House with tens of thousands of petitions to "Keep Rush On Armed Forces Radio" and then demand an official response from the White House.

In fact, I want to get 25,000 signers in the next 48 hours to really make a statement. Please go here to sign:

Let's be clear. Rush made a mistake. But he openly and forthrightly apologized. But that doesn't matter to the Left. They want him censored and banned from Armed Forces Radio.

Thank you for taking action.

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

P.S. If you are military, retired military or part of a military family, please take a moment to sign. The Left is also gathering signatures from military members to strengthen their case to censor Rush. Go here:


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