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Supreme Court drama unfolding over ObamaCare

Grassfire Nation Update

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March 9, 2012

Grassfire Nation Update

With the Supreme Court hearing of ObamaCare less than three weeks away, serious concerns are beginning to surface about at least one Justice and his ruling record.

Fox News is reporting that at the heart of the ObamaCare hearing “is the individual mandate, which requires every American to have health insurance coverage or pay a penalty.”

The Commerce Clause, which gives Congress exclusive power to regulate business or commercial exchanges in any and all of its forms between citizens of different states, is the basis for the government’s position that the individual mandate is constitutional.

Appointed by Ronald Reagan, Justice Antonin Scalia is the longest serving Justice on the Court and a stalwart conservative. However, expert review of Scalia’s legal opinions regarding the Commerce Clause, suggests he will have a difficult time ruling against the government in ObamaCare.

Elizabeth Wydra, chief counsel for the Constitutional Accountability Center told Fox News on March 5, “Even if Scalia is skeptical of the merits of the health care reform law, it will be very hard for him to get away from his own writings on this issue that do support the government.”

While Scalia’s history is certainly a concern, it should also serve as a lightning rod for Americans to get involved in the ObamaCare debate before the Supreme Court hearings begin -- to speak up and out about the unconstitutionality of ObamaCare and the loss of freedom to make our own healthcare decisions.

+ + ObamaCare Hearing Just Three Weeks Away

Less than three weeks from today, the Supreme Court will hear the case against ObamaCare, and we believe it is important for you to be there.

We’ve teamed with Conservative 50 Plus a conservative alternative to AARP, that is giving mature Americans a unique platform to express their concern and outrage over Obama’s tyrannical drive to implement his statist healthcare plan.

Prior to the hearings they will deluge the High Court with tens of thousands of petitions from conservative Americans who are complaining!

+ + Rally Your Friends to Stand Against ObamaCare

Having already signed our petition, we need your help in reaching out to and mobilizing other mature Americans who haven’t yet engaged on this critical issue that stands to adversely impact every American -- but especially those 50 and older!

As we’ve seen, Obama and his administration have shown time and time again that they aren’t the least bit interested in your First Amendment rights...

Answer back … right now by forwarding this message to 30-40 friends, urging them to join with you in opposition of ObamaCare and the trampling of our First Amendment rights by signing the petition.

Click here to sign:

With your continued help Conservative 50 Plus and Grassfire can make a substantial grassroots impact against ObamaCare before the hearings begin.

Thank you for being such a key part of our team.

Grassfire Nation

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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