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Ronnie Cummins Organic Consumers Association

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March 8, 2012

Take Action Now

Scroll down to learn more about the global days of action to shut down Monsanto on March 16 & 17. We urge you to challenge corporate power directly at "the gates of evil," as the organizers of the protests have dubbed Monsanto's headquarters, research facilities and lobbying offices, but, before you leave this screen to head to the nearest Occupy encampment to get involved, please take action now on these important campaigns...


Safeguard Organic Standards!

National Public Radio's Diane Rehm Show covered the organic standards debate on Tuesday. Here's the show's teaser: "The market for organic food has grown from just $1 billion in 1990 to nearly $30 billion today. As big corporations enter the market, concern has grown about enforcement of organic standards, and some see the movement drifting away from its founding principles of sustainability and local farming. They are alarmed by organic tomatoes grown in far-off, Mexican deserts that require constant irrigation, organic cows living on industrial-sized feedlots, and chickens laying organic eggs while confined in high-capacity barns. But others say that big farms bring organic food to the masses."

Listen and Take Action


No Agent Orange Corn! Ban 2,4-D!

Dow Agrosciences has asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture to approve corn that is genetically engineered to survive massive spraying of the herbicide 2,4-D. This would increase 2,4-D use 50-fold, threatening farmers (even those who don't grow GMOs), farm workers, rural communities, and food consumers. On February 23, the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit to force the EPA to act on their 2008 petition to ban the use of this known neurotoxin and Agent Orange ingredient within 45 days of the court's decision.

Stop 2,4-D-Resistant GMO Corn

Why Should 2-4-D Be Banned? Ask the Pitchfork Rebellion


Stop Monsanto's Harassment of Organic Farmers!

On March 1st, hacktivists Anonymous and LulzSec jacked the Monsanto database in retaliation for its motion to dismiss a farmer lawsuit challenging the company's use of its patents against farmers whose crops have been contaminated with Monsanto's engineered DNA. The attack was part of their AntiSec campaign targeting the world's banks, governments and corporations. Monsanto made the list for providing the US government with the herbicide Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.

Learn More and Take Action


Support the OCA

OCA and our lobbying ally, the Organic Consumers Fund, put our money where our mouth is. With the 2012 California Ballot Initiative, and GMO labeling legislation gaining momentum in Vermont, Connecticut, Hawaii and other states, we have a real chance to hit Monsanto, corporate agribusiness, and the supermarket chains with the skull and crossbones they fear so much: mandatory labels on genetically engineered food. At the same time we are continuing our struggle to strengthen organic standards and significantly expand the market for organic food and products, especially those produced locally and regionally; while warning consumers about the dangers of junk food and chemical agriculture.

Donate to the Organic Consumers Association (tax-deductible)

Donate to the Organic Consumers Fund (non-tax-deductible, but necessary for our legislative efforts in California and other states)


Stop GMO Salmon and Save Wild Salmon!

As the Food & Drug Administration stands poised to approve the first genetically engineered animal, a salmon-like Frankenfish, the Environmental Protection Agency could take action to protect wild salmon by stopping the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska's Bristol Bay. This open-pit mine would generate up to 10 billion tons of toxic mine waste that will have to be treated for hundreds of years. Mine waste disposal in the Bristol Bay watershed is a direct threat to the tremendous wild salmon habitat that supports the Bristol Bay fishery, and supplies the world with a healthy and sustainable source of wild salmon. The salmon fishery is the economic engine of the region, generating an estimated $450 million in revenue each year, and supplying some 10,000 jobs.

Tell the EPA to Protect Wild Alaskan Salmon

Ask Your U.S. Senator to Cosponsor a Bill to Ban Frankenfish


Global Days of Action to Shut Down Monsanto March 16 & 17

Shut Down Monsanto and the Anti-Monsanto Project are calling for global days of action to shut down Monsanto on Friday and Saturday March 16 & 17.

Global Call to Action

The Current List of Global Actions


Updates on the Right-to-Know Campaign to Label GMOs


Monsanto's minions launched a media campaign of lies and misinformation attacking the Organic Consumers Association and the CA Right to Know/Label GMOs ballot initiative coalition. You can help set the record straight by posting comments and writing letters. They've also begun to amass the war chest they'll use for a barrage of paid propaganda. The money is coming from Washington, D.C.-based industry groups, including $375,000 from the Council for Biotechnology Information, whose members include Monsanto, DuPont, Dow AgroScience and $250,000 from the Grocery Manufacturers Association. We're on track to gather the signatures we need to get this on the ballot, but we still need more volunteers and donations.

Learn More & Take Action





Things are really moving in Connecticut. If you want to be inspired, watch the video of the Capitol Press Briefing on HB 5117, the CT genetically modified foods right to know act. The opposition there had come from government spokespersons, including the state agriculture commissioner, as well as USDA and FDA flacks taking their cues from former Biotech Governor of the Year USDA Sec. Tom Vilsack and former Monsanto lawyer Food Safety Czar Michael Taylor.

Learn More & Take Action



As of Wednesday, GMO Free Oregon has just started to collect the 1,000 sponsorship signatures needed for a measure to label genetically engineered foods. They are finishing up the language for a "Right to Seed Heritage and Sustainable Agriculture" measure to prevent GMO contamination. This is a county level measure, and any county that is interested can it put it on their ballot. GMO Free Oregon can help. Jackson County (Ashland) is already on board. Syngenta has started planting GM sugar beets all over Ashland and there is quite an uproar among farmers and others concerned. This weekend GMO Free Oregon is hosting a workshop on the Right to Seed Heritage and Sustainable Agriculture measure with Paul Cienfuegos in Corvallis. Things are budding in Oregon this Spring!

Get Involved



Minnesota Anti-GMO activists have convinced Rep. Karen Clark (DFL) to introduce GMO labeling legislation! Once we have the bill numbers, we will be asking Minnesotans to take action by contacting their legislators in support of the bills, and possibly attending legislative hearings on the bills. Stay tuned for more detailed info as this progresses.

Take Action


Little Bytes: Top Stories of the Week

The "Pink Slime" in Your Kid's School Lunch


Mercury Alert: FDA Ignores Its Own Scientists' Warning on Amalgam Fillings

Naomi Klein: 'If You Take Climate Change Seriously, You Have to Throw Out the Free-Market Playbook'

Glenn Greenwald Tears Apart the Propaganda Driving the Insane Push for War With Iran


Message From Our Sponsors

Eden Foods Offers OCA Customers 15% Discount

Eden Foods is one of the few national organic food producers who goes beyond the USDA Organic Standards. Although Eden Foods is USDA certified, their products do not bear the USDA seal, because they say the USDA standard really represents a "minimum standard" that Eden Foods goes far beyond.

As a subscriber to Organic Bytes, you can enjoy a 15% discount rate on any Eden Foods products by going here.

Learn More