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Beat Bank of America again

Jonathan Perri,

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March 8, 2012

Navy Corpsman David Kukreja served two tours of duty in Iraq. While David was overseas as a medic, his wife Toni and their daughter lived in their Lakewood, California home that Toni's dad built with his own hands. They hoped their home would stay in the family for generations.

When Corpsman Kukreja left the Navy, he came home to a broken economy. He struggled to find a job for almost 6 months. David and Toni tried to keep up with their mortgage payments to Bank of America as best they could, but soon found themselves in a financial tailspin. 

Now Bank of America is threatening to foreclose on Corpsman Kukreja and his family. Toni, David's wife, is fighting back. Toni started a petition on asking Bank of America to stop the foreclosure and work with her family to modify their home loan.

Click here to add your name to Toni's petition to save her family's home.

Toni and her husband have been asking Bank of America to modify their home loan payments to something they can afford since 2008, but Toni says Bank of America just gives her a run-around.

"We've been told the bank has lost our paperwork more than once, we've been sent denial letters, and we are now on the 3rd attempt to modify our loan," Toni says. "We want to make our mortgage payments -- and we can -- if Bank of America works with us." members have forced changes at Bank of America before. Molly Katchpole's petition led to Bank of America canceling a $5 monthly debit card fee. And Vera Johnson's petition to Bank of America stopped the bank from foreclosing on her Seattle home and business. Now Toni hopes that her petition can keep her family in her home. 

"How many homeless veterans do you see on the streets?" Toni asks. "Does Bank of America really want to be responsible for another?"

Click here to sign Toni's petition asking Bank of America to help save her family's home.

Thanks for being a change-maker,

- Jon and the team