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Raw Milk Freedom Riders and Farm Food Freedom Coalition to host Food Freedom Rally on March 2

Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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Feb. 27, 2012

(NaturalNews) After successfully organizing its inaugural ride to the front steps of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) headquarters in Silver Spring, Md., back in November, the Raw Milk Freedom Riders (RMFR) are once again holding a massive food freedom rally, this time in Wisconsin. From March 1 - 2, 2012, RMFR will join the Farm Food Freedom Coalition (FFFC) at Sauk County Circuit Court in Baraboo, Wisc., to take a stand for food freedom in one of the most agriculturally-oppressive states in America.

The State of Wisconsin -- and many other states, for that matter -- is so deeply entrenched in the mires of corporate agriculture that it has once again taken farmer Vernon Hershberger, who currently raises and milks cows for private cow-share owners, to court for allegedly violating the state's highly-restrictive laws concerning raw milk distribution. After repeatedly harassing Hershberger by showing up at his farm for random and excessive inspections, state officials took him to court, had him jailed -- he was eventually released on $500 bond -- and are now summoning him to court once again.

In his defense, RMFR and FFFC will be holding a massive rally on the steps of the Sauk County Circuit Court on March 2 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, where they will protest the abuse being perpetrated by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) against Hershberger, against his herd-share participants, and against food freedom as a whole.

The day before the rally on March 1 from 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm, RMFR and FFFC will be holding a "Rights Workshop" designed to teach the public about how to actively defend their rights against government intrusion, how to regain the rights that have already been lost, and how to practice civil disobedience in a practical and effective way.

Featured at this workshop will be Liz Reitzig, co-founder of FFFC and organizer of RMFR; Max Kane, filmmaker and raw milk activist; David Gumpert, author of the book The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America's Emerging Battle Over Food Rights; John Moody, food freedom activist; and several others.

The Rights Workshop will be followed by a nutritious dinner composed of clean, farm-fresh foods, and will be a time for attendees to talk with the speakers and with other food freedom activists. The suggested donation for the workshop and dinner is $20 per person.

To learn more about the Wisconsin Food Freedom Rally or to sign up to attend, please visit:

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