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Tweets from Tahrir

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Feb. 22, 2012

Tracing Egypt's journey in tweets - from the euphoria of Mubarak's fall through the harsh realities that have followed.

A year on from the celebrations of February 2011, Egypt's revolution remains incomplete.

For many of the youth activists who took part in the demonstrations which brought down Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, there has been little or no progress.

Elections have taken place but under the same military that has held power for 60 years.

Mubarak and his supporters have been indicted but are yet to face substantive justice, whilst more than 10,000 civilians, including many of those who demonstrated against the dictator, have been tried and sentenced in mass trials before military courts.

Tweets from Tahrir follows the experiences of five young, English-speaking 'tweeps'.

Their tweets revealed the true scale of the uprising which Egypt's state media sought to hide, and gave a street-level, minute-by-minute account of how the persistence and bravery of the Egyptian people brought down a dictator.

Using their daily tweets, the films traces Egypt's journey through the euphoria of the 18 days that ended in the fall of Mubarak to the harsh reality of the 12 months that have followed.