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Do we have new support for 'One Subject' in Congress?

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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Quote of the Day: “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” — Edmund Burke

I have GREAT news about the "One Subject at a Time Act."

Remember, that's a bill -- abbreviated OSTA -- that we created to prohibit Congress from combining unrelated legislation. Each proposal would have to pass on its own merits, NOT by being combined with more popular but unrelated measures. HERE'S THE NEWS . . .


Getting the first sponsor -- Representative Tom Marino -- took years. But now OSTA has its second sponsor after only a few weeks. The new sponsor is Representative Bill Posey of Florida.

Could this be the start of a trend? That may depend on how much fuel you pour on this fire. Do this . . .

Flood Mr. Posey's Facebook page with positive comments.


Then call his office and thank him for sponsoring OSTA. Suggest to the staffer who answers that Mr. Posey should send out a dear colleague letter asking other House members to also sponsor the "One Subject at a Time Act." The phone number is (202) 225-3671.

Next, help us promote this success. We want to send out a press release. You can help us do that by making a contribution. Remember our goal for this year -- $1 per month from each subscriber to the Downsizer-Dispatch.

You can best help us reach this goal by starting a monthly pledge.

  • We have many $1, $3, and $5 pledgers.
  • The average pledge is about $14 per month.
  • The highest pledger gives $250, and the next two highest give $200 each per month.
  • On two occasions, both in the past, we've had pledgers give $1,000 or more, every month.

But, if a monthly pledge doesn't work for you, even at a low amount, one-time contributions can also help us achieve our goal. You could . . .

  • Give $12, to hit directly on my target of $1 per subscriber per month, or . . .
  • You could make up for subscribers who won't give, by contributing more -- say $15, $25, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000 or even more
  • The average contribution in 2011 was $57
  • And our largest donor gave $10,000

You can contribute here.

Downsize DC increases your influence by cutting the cost you pay to cause social change. We believe we can do great things if we have just $1 a month from each subscriber to the Downsizer-Dispatch. Please pour fuel on our fire by starting a pledge or making a contribution.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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