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Holder goes rogue

Grassfire Nation Update

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Feb. 17, 2012

Apparently the "Fast and Furious" gun scandal got too hot for House Speaker John Boehner.

Numerous reports are surfacing that Boehner and his staff have "slowed the probe being led by the House committee on Oversight and Government Reform" into the Department of Justice's role in the botched scandal that resulted in the murder of U.S.Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry. Some are suggesting that Boehner is getting pressure from the FBI and the Obama administration to cool it on the investigation.

But Darrell Issa (R-CA) is just getting warmed up.

After more than a year of stonewalling from the DOJ, and with less than 8 percent of the documents on hand from the "Fast and Furious" scandal, Issa is now uttering the word "contempt" when referencing Holder, and is now suggesting the "Fast and Furious" is politically motivated.

"It is ironic that while the Department's delay tactics have extended this investigation into a presidential election year, you have had the audacity to characterize it as an attempt at 'healine-grabbing Washington 'gotcha' games and cynical political point scoring,'" Issa wrote to Holder this past Tuesday.

According to Fox News and other outlets, Issa has no intention of backing off the investigation -- perhaps due in part to the blistering grassroots response he and his office have endured over these last number of weeks. Instead, he remains committed to bringing everyone involved to justice. "The American people deserve the truth," said Issa during a recent Fox News interview.

Meanwhile Liberty News is reporting that "Fast and Furious" may have been a "front for a covert operation that went wrong."

Uncovered emails and CBS News investigative reporters have turned up evidence suggesting that the failed gun operation "was to justify the introduction, and passage of legislation that would create more gun control, in clear defiance and opposition to the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution."

As Rep. Issa has said, "The American people deserve the truth," whatever that truth may be. But to reveal that truth will take continuous, unrelenting pressure by the American people.

Having already signed our national petition, and been a part of that overwhelming grassroots response that is perhaps fueling Issa's zeal for the truth, Grassfire Nation is urging you to do two important things:

Action #1 -- Fax Congress Now!

To get to the truth it is vital that grassroots Americans keep the pressure on high -- not just with the House committee on Oversight and Government Reform, but every office on Capitol Hill. 

We've created an effective platform that gives you the ability to demand accountability to virtually every office!

Please take a moment right now to send your faxes directly to Congress today -- so grassroots citizens can make as strong a case as possible that Holder must be held accountable! Go here to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery:

Your faxes will be delivered immediately -- keeping this scandal from being swept into some dusty, forgotten corner. If you prefer to send your own faxes, do so (click the link for all the information you need). Either way, please take action.

Action #2 -- Alert your Friends

Our first petition delivery was immensely successful. In fact we believe it has played a pivotal role in motivating Rep. Issa and others to press on despite growing pressue to back off.

That's why we want to continue building our grassroots base to 75,000 or more. We want to clearly demonstrate to lawmakers in Congress and officials at the DOJ that demands for the truth about "Fast and Furious" are intensifying!

Forward this message to 30-40 friends today, urging them to sign our petition by going here.

Let them know that by signing quickly they will be included in our next upcoming delivery.

Action #3 -- Call Your Members of Congress

Let your Rep and Senators know where you stand on this issue:

Representative: Noem 202-225-2801

Senator: Johnson 202-224-5842

Senator: Thune 202-224-2321

Because of the rogue and reckless nature of "Fast and Furious", a U.S. Border agent was murdered. Help bring closure to the family of the slain officer by doing all you can to keep this investigation moving forward.

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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