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Tell Walmart: Reject Monsanto's GMO sweet corn

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Feb. 16, 2012

Unlabeled. Untested. Unsafe. Walmart, don't sell Monsanto's GMO sweet corn!


This spring, Monsanto's GMO sweet corn — their first product for direct human consumption — will be getting planted for the first time.

Then it will be sold, unlabeled, in a grocery store near you.

What would it take to stop it? It would take the largest food retailer in the country rejecting Monsanto's untested, potentially toxic corn.

Tell Walmart: Don't carry Monstanto's GMO sweet corn! Click here to automatically sign the petition.

In response to pressure from more than 250,000 CREDO Activists and others last fall, Trader Joes, Whole Foods and General Mills all committed not to sell Monsanto's sweet corn.1

But not Walmart.

Walmart, wrote to us that "nothing is more important than the safety and satisfaction of our customers." But that's just not consistent with selling this unlabeled GMO sweet corn, which contains three genetic modifications — including the insecticide Bt — and hasn't been tested to prove it is safe for humans to eat.2

Walmart could make a powerful statement for consumer safety by rejecting Monsanto's GMO sweet corn, but they won't do it unless we put very public pressure on the company.

Tell Walmart: Don't carry Monstanto's GMO sweet corn! Click here to automatically sign the petition.

This corn is Monsanto's first foray into designing GMO foods that could wind up whole on your plate. If it's successful, we can be sure that it will just be the beginning for Monsanto, who already produces roughly 90% of GMO seeds around the globe.

As the largest food retailer, and even the largest seller of organic foods, Walmart can set an important precedent that could keep Monsanto's GMO sweet corn, and any future GMO foods, from taking root.

If Walmart really means that nothing is more important than their customers safety then they need to take a stand now.

Click below to automatically sign the petition:

Thanks for fighting for safe and healthy food.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets

1. "Food companies petitioned to ban new Monsanto GMO corn," Reuters, 10/27/11

2. "Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals," Huffington Post, 3/18/10