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24 Hours to Stop the Pipeline

Roert Redford

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Feb. 13, 2012

very once in a while an opportunity comes along for all of us to be the solution. This is one of those times. We're collecting a half million messages to stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline in the next 24 hours.

This dirty, dangerous tar sands pipeline is not in the national interest. It's that simple. And the United States Senate, officials of both parties, need to hear that message loud and clear and fast because some of them are threatening to push a bill as soon as Tuesday, to approve it.

Go to and send a message. Then turn up the volume and send it to everyone you know....tweet it, Facebook it, blog it...urging everyone you know to become part of the solution in the next 24 hours. Go to, please, and send a message.

This U.S. Senate has to stop looking towards the past and move into the new century. If only some of these politicians showed the same level of passion for creating new markets around cleaner forms of energy, as they're showing for crippling a sitting president with a dirty, potentially highly dangerous, old-school Canadian tar sands pipeline.

This struggle is about every parent's fears for our children's future. And this struggle is about every young person's hope for their immediate future. It should be every parent's worst nightmare that these people we sent to Washington to lead us into the future, will continue to embrace the flawed philosophical case for doing nothing.

This do nothing option is the same flawed recommendation that economists made in the 1960's and 1970's to the automobile industry. Imagine something like seat belts being seen as the jobs killer of that day. We should not make the same mistake around energy.

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