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EOD: Inside the Obama regime

Grassfire Nation Update

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Feb. 13, 2012

Obama and ObamaCare have been exposed.

Last Friday's action by Obama mandating that every insurance plan include 100% coverage for birth control and abortion drugs removed any pretense or other cover by the Obama administration and the left that we actually still have a private health insurance system.

We knew this before Friday, but Obama's blatantly totalitarian actions made it clear that we now have a 100% government mandated and government controlled health care system.

Not only that, the obama 'accomodation" is actually worse for religious non-profits because now they have no choice but to fund any and all services mandated by Obama no matter if it violates their faith. After all, who does Obama think is going to pay for the "free" services from the insurance providers? Ultimately, these costs will be passed on to the company and its employees. 

Obama's end run on the entire health care insurance system created a direct mandate that the insurance companies provide a service. The system is now 100% nationalized.

+ + Why Rush calls Obama's team the "Regime"

For months, Rush Limbaugh has been calling Obama and his team "the regime." Clearly, Rush is right and Obama's actions on Friday only confirm this. 

The Obama regime does not consider the Constitution or the concerns of citizens. Obama operates in a world in which he issues edicts disguised as "compromises" that actually only expand government power. 

What happened last Friday is a snapshot into the mind of the Obama regime. This is how they operate. Truth matters little. Spin and power are the tools they use.

+ + D.O.J. says "Take Down Grassfiire Petitions"

We also heard back from Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who told us he received a call form his "friends" at the Department of Justice and they weren't happy.

As you may recall, last week Grassfire delivered nearly 100,000 petitions of support to Sheriff Joe who has come under suspiciously harsh scrutiny from the DOJ. Joe has been one of the leading law enforcement officials who has insisted on enforcing our nation's immigration laws. DOJ does not like Joe for this and other reasons all releated to Joe's desire to perform his lawful duty.

Well, on Friday DOJ contacted Joe and told him that they were not pleased that he posted an update and photos from our petition delivery to his office demonstrating widespread grassroots support for the Sheriff's lawful actions to uphold the law.

The DOJ basically tried to bully Sheriff Joe into taking down any mention of the petition delivery!

So Obama's Justice Department is now bullying Sheriff Joe because of a citizen petition that condems DOJ's bullying attacks against the Sheriff!

Only in Obama's world!

Well, Sheriff Joe told us he's not backing down. And neither are we. Later this week, we will deliver these same petitions directly to the DOJ and key leaders in Congress. if you want to stand against the Obama team's bullying, go here to sign.

Steve Elliott, Grassfire


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