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Tyrannical Obama fires first shot in war on religious liberty

Grassfire Nation Update

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Feb. 9, 2012

That sonic boom you may have heard on January 20, was the Obama administration firing a cannon blast into the religious rights of every citizen in the United States.

In the face of intense protest, Obama refused to change or even drop a controversial mandate within his statist ObamaCare plan requiring religious groups and individuals to violate their religious principles and forcing them to provide contraceptive methods -- including the morning after pill, and abortion.

This is a flagrant violation of the Constitution and federal law!

Whether you are pro-life or pro-abortion, most would agree that only those willing to have abortions should have to participate in them.

That’s precisely what makes this move by Obama so tyrannical. He doesn’t care about the Constitution. He doesn’t care about our religious rights and liberties ...

That should concern and outrage every American citizen!

+ + Obama declares War on Religion

This is yet another example of the insatiable desires of our federal government to acquire more power by whittling away the rights and freedoms of the American citizen.

Make no mistake, this is a war ...

And while the first shot was fired on January 20, the war actually began with the passage of ObamaCare, or its official “misleading” title the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”.

It wasn’t too long ago when then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi proudly announced, “We have to pass the [ObamaCare] bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Since then the Obama controlled liberal media, unions and the AARP have all been working to deceive Americans into believing that what is in ObamaCare is a good thing, and largely their efforts have been successful.

However, this latest move by Obama should lift the shroud of mystery from ObamaCare -- giving all Americans a frightening and very real glimpse into what citizens both young and old can really expect should this Obamination be implemented.

In addition to Obama’s assault on our religious liberties, let’s look at what else we’ve learned since Pelosi uttered her famous line ...

--ObamaCare will savage medicare by cutting $575.1 billion in this decade alone.

--Coverage, prices and access to healthcare for seniors will be greatly impacted by ObamaCare.

--Healthcare rationing will be implemented by ObamaCare’s “Independent Payment Advisory Board.”

This unconstitutional deception of the American people is a key reason why Grassfire Nation has partnered with Conservative 50 Plus, a conservative alternative to AARP.

Through their national petition opposing ObamaCare, Conservative 50 Plus is giving American seniors a unique platform to express their concern and outrage over Obama’s tyrannical drive to implement his statist healthcare plan.

Their goal is to rally 100,000 petitions and deliver them before the Supreme Court-ObamaCare showdown in early March.

+ +  Rally Your Friends to Stand Against ObamaCare

Having already signed the Conservative 50 Plus petition, we are asking that you forward this message to 30-40 friends and family members to join with you in opposition of ObamaCare by signing the petition.

Click here to sign:

Again, Conservative 50 Plus is working quickly to amass at least 100,000 signers to be delivered to the Supreme Court and key leaders in Congress before the hearings begin.

Don’t delay. Rally your friends and family today to stand against Obama’s declaration of war against religious liberty!

Thank you for being such a key part of our team.

Grassfire Nation

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