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No new oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean!

The Wilderness Society

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Feb. 7, 2012

Has the federal government learned nothing since the Gulf oil spill?

Under pressure from the oil industry, the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) intends to open up more of the Arctic Ocean to drilling off the northern coast of Alaska over the next five years.

Once finalized, this drilling plan could unleash fleets of drilling vessels into sensitive Arctic waters, known for their beloved whale, seal and walrus populations.

Help us apply our own pressure on the administration to say “NO” to Big Oil and more oil spills.

Here’s what offshore Arctic drilling could look like:

- Delayed response to oil spills: Harsh weather could slow ships and helicopters, allowing oil to reach critical coastlines, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

- Devastated ecosystems: There is no known technology to recover spilled oil in stormy, icy seas. If an oil spill happened in the Arctic, most of the oil would disperse into the water and adversely affect marine life.

- Threatened wildlife: Seals, whales, walruses sea birds and more could be impacted through direct contact with oil or through the destruction of their feeding grounds.

Don’t let these tragic scenarios become a reality. Tell BOEM to stop this rush to drill.

The federal government should use the extra time to ensure better drilling oversight, to understand the full impacts of major oil spills on the Arctic, and to develop effective Arctic cleanup strategies.


The Wilderness Society

P.S. February is an important month for drilling decisions in the Arctic. Please join us on Facebook and Twitter to learn about further actions you can take to protect sensitive Arctic lands and waters.


Tell the Obama administration not to drill in the Arctic Ocean.