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OCCUPY DC : Cops attack McPherson Park! Multiple Updates, w/Livestream video Embed

Brett Redmayne-Titley

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Feb. 4, 2012

Forty cops on horseback and another forty on motor cycles roared into McPherson Park this morning at 5:35 AM Saturday Feb.4, 2012.


with multiple updates, images and embedded video of live feed from Occupy DC livestream. 

Ongoing  updates by Rob Kall

update at 12:25 live feed reports police are unloading rubber bullet weapons. Reporting "what looks like a military humvee there."

Update at 12:04 EST. All tents have been removed from the southeast section of McPherson Park. Six arrests now. One man tazed for holding sticks, not threatening, not doing anything. 

Police in process of removing one of many tents at Occupy DC, McPherson Park
Mike Check at gate. Occupiers cursing out police. That may be sh*t on the pavement, possibly from horses. Man in orange is speaking.
"Mike Check. We love this Park. This is our park..."
Police subdue occupier, possibly named Brian. 
after subduing him, they walk him away. 
police taking down tents with bedding or "biohazards" in them. Not taking them down, "pretty much breaking them" live video reporter says. 

Livestream DC reports that police are removing contents of tents, that Police HAVE taken an empty tent, contrary to what was agreed to in court. 
Livestream video of Occupy DC-- filled with police-- embedded at end of article. Police are, apparently, restricting the livestream videographer, she reports. She only has access if she is supervised by police and is only allowed to film the tents.

Forty cops on horseback and another forty on motor cycles with a helicopter overhead roared into McPherson Park this morning at 5:35 AM Saturday Feb.4, 2012.

The cops, in an apparent effort to make their authoritarian assault on the park a media event, had contacted main stream media prior to the raid as the first sign of trouble was the arrival of camera crews. Suddenly the police on horseback and the motorcycle cops materialized on all four sides of the camp. They immediately took control of the statue of General James McPherson, the namesake of the park, by using metal barriers. In recent days, as a reaction to the National Park Service notice prohibiting the Occupiers from camping, the campers had Occupied the statue using a very large tent blue tarp, emblazoned with Occupy slogans, to cover the general.

Police in riot gear have at this point surrounded the statue and are removing the many tents that ringed the statue as part of this occupation.

More than 200 Occupiers are confronting police. Many others are scrambling to protect their tents and personal belongings in a hopeful attempt to comply with police.

Further reports will be filed as this story develops. Members of the public and supporters of the Occupy DC camps at McPherson Park and Freedom Plaza are encouraged to get to these parks right away to show support.

Update by OEN Editor:

CNN reports that the police were not attempting to vacate the encampment. They were removing tents that contained sleeping gear, because, they claimed, free speech rights do not include sleeping in the park. 

Image from screen grab of Occupy DC taken at 10:45 EST

Further update by Brett Redmayne-Titley:

My  on the ground contacts report that the cops are removing tents regardless of compliance and are fabricating excuses to confiscate tents ie, finding a pair of shoes in one, a pillow in another. So far the yellow suits have not left one tent standing in their way. My contacts report that the many tents were quickly brought into compliance at the start of the raid.Apparently to no avail.
more from on-the-ground contacts, updated at 11:12 AM EST

Three arrests so far one girl two guys. None resisted but one was carried to the command center which is the big white tent in the foreground.She did not struggle just refused to walk there.Cop just told one of my contacts, " Get used to it. There won't be a tent left here soon".
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Submitters Bio:

The author spent his formative years growing up in Australia, Ghana, the Bahamas and Alaska.He also traveled extensively through out the developing world in the era before globalization.His experiences have shaped him into a World Citizen who sees American domestic politics and foreign policy as the epicenter for many changes that directly affect the world and its population.Brett is a passionate reader and social commentator who believes the world needs a new perspective putting the issues of the people of the world first and is dedicated to writing about it.For fun Brett is also a Master Brewer who has worked in several countries; a song writer; and a Collegiate Water Polo Referee in the USA and Canada.He lives in the Southern California area with his wife of 23 years and two wolves.