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Gaston County, NC is KICKIN' AGENDA 21 OUT!

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Jan. 28, 2012

Congratulations to Gaston County Commissioners in North Carolina.  Standing up and speaking out.  Recognizing that the hard work of purging UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development out of County plans, statutes, ordinances, and regulations is still ahead.  Standing strong against the State of North Carolina and the federal government.

We pledge our support and assistance to the Commissioners of Gaston County, NC.

We will prevail.

Rosa Koire

Executive Director, Post Sustainability Institute


 Breaking News: Tonight Gaston County Commissioner’s unanimously passed resolution condemning Agenda 21!  by Neal Thomas

This is an email I received from Cheryl Pass with the Gaston Tea Party. This is very good news. Hope we can get our Cleveland County Commissioners to do the same.

Hi all... Here is what I just put up on facebook...

Report from Gaston County Commissioners meeting tonight: Not sure what I was expecting...maybe balloons and champagne flutes for all, choirs and bands, the heavens full of shooting stars. Well, you all know me, I like visual impact and lots of celebrations for good events. Even so, our great commissioners passed, unanimously, the anti-Agenda 21 resolution for Gaston County as part of their consent agenda this evening. There were no dramatics. No arguments against it. The deed is done. The Gaston County Resolution against Agenda 21 is heading to the NC State House for recording.

The Chairman of the Commission told me afterwards that he has heard from several other county commissions in the state who are interested in looking into doing this same thing for their counties. So all in all, a very good, albeit quiet, passing of one very important statement. I want to remind my friends on this issue that this is just one step. The hard work of weeding Sustainable Development and Smart Growth, AKA Agenda 21 out of our lives is just beginning. Don't give up! Cheers to all of you!