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OCCUPY DC - Preparing to Fight the Eviction. Park Occupies General McPherson

Brett Redmayne-Titley

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Jan. 30, 2012

OCCUPY DC- Preparing to Fight the Eviction. Park Occupies General McPherson.

By Brett Redmayne-Titley

A bus load of supporters from New York just pulled up to McPherson Park. Twenty more came in from Philadelphia. Five more are waking down 14 St. from Baltimore. It's getting crowded at McPherson Park, one of the two parks at Occupy DC.


A bus load of supporters from New York just pulled up to McPherson Park. Twenty more came in from Philadelphia. Five more are waking down 14 St. from Baltimore. It's getting crowded at McPherson Park, one of the two parks at Occupy DC.

With the threatened eviction of the Occupy camps set for today at noon, Monday Jan. 30, 2012, Occupy protesters are preparing to put their principles on the line and resist the upcoming police enforcement. This morning protesters Occupied the Statue of General McPherson, the namesake of the park, by erecting a 40 foot by 60 foot tent that completely covers the statue. .Police came but were confronted by a large crowd of Occupiers refusing to take down the tent since it is now Occupied. All police suddenly left. They are expected to return in force.

The wording of the notice given this past Friday by the National Park Service to all Occupy campers did not expressly provide for eviction. Instead it severely restricts the Occupiers with a set of enforcements that amount to an eviction. Protesters exercising their First Amendment right to assembly may not have bedding or flooring for warmth, must keep any ten open to public view and the winter elements, and may not fall asleep. The penalty calls for citation or arrest. The track record of Park Service police is drastically in favor of arrest.


Yesterday morning, Sunday, an Occupier named, "Lesh," was accosted while sleeping by Park Service officers who insisted on giving him a new notification flyer. After objecting  to the intrusion he attempted to walk away from the confrontation and was tazered to from behind by a female officer. Lesh was known in the camp as a quiet person. The assault by the officer was recorded on video and will be posted here as soon as it is available.

A Federal Court hearing is set for tomorrow, Tuesday, and will be heard by Hon. James Boasburg. Previously this judge has interceded on behalf of the protesters by modifying two previous park service edicts in favor of constitutional protections. Jeff Light, an attorney who has been helping advise the Occupiers, stated that he feels the judge is likely to modify this Park Service enforcement and protect the Occupiers from confiscation of their property and arrest without their rights to due process protections under the Fourth Amendment being carried out by the courts.

At Freedom Plaza Occupy Washington DC is taking a different approach. Recognizing the need to maintain a visual presence in our Nation's Capital preparations at this camp are oriented towards compliance. Most campers are trying do honor many of the dictates and have their tents open on display. Unlike McPherson Park police presence is minimal and cordial.

It is now only a matter of time before the Park Service police return. The McPherson Occupiers remain resolute in their intentions to defend the camp. The success of Occupy DC and Occupy nationally has come from the growing support of the awakening 99%.Its strength is in its numbers. Occupy DC is calling for all Occupiers, supporters of civil rights, and Americans to spread the word and come to McPherson Park. Your support is needed NOW.





Submitters Bio:


The author spent his formative years growing up in Australia, Ghana, the Bahamas and Alaska.He also traveled extensively through out the developing world in the era before globalization.His experiences have shaped him into a World Citizen who sees American domestic politics and foreign policy as the epicenter for many changes that directly affect the world and its population.Brett is a passionate reader and social commentator who believes the world needs a new perspective putting the issues of the people of the world first and is dedicated to writing about it.For fun Brett is also a Master Brewer who has worked in several countries; a song writer; and a Collegiate Water Polo Referee in the USA and Canada.He lives in the Southern California area with his wife of 23 years and two wolves.