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Sheriff Joe wants to hear from you!

Grassfire Nation Update

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Jan. 27, 2012

Grassfire Nation’s Darla Dawald has contacted Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s office informing his staff of our intent to deliver tens of thousands of  “Support Sheriff Joe” letters within the next two weeks.


Their response?  “Bring ‘em on. The Sheriff could use the support!” 

As you know, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is being victimized by a politically motivated assault brought on by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice.


But it doesn’t end there. Arpaio is also the convenient target of a savage liberal media as well as radical immigration zealots -- all of whom are looking to destroy a decorated and dedicated public servant committed to the citizens of Arizona.


You may also recall from our earlier updates, after the DOJ stripped Arpaio’s officers of their power to enforce federal immigration laws, Arpaio has repeatedly asked the DOJ for evidence into their assertion that his office profiles Latinos and bases immigration enforcement on racially charged complaints. As of this update, the DOJ has yet to provide the evidence.


Angered over the attacks, Arpaio has filed a federal appeal against the DOJ.


+ + Grassfire Nation stands in support of Sheriff Joe!


Since launching our “Support Sheriff Joe” initiative, more than 50,000 patriots from all over the nation have responded to the outrageous allegations and actions taken by the DOJ, with hundreds more showing their solidarity for Arpaio and his staff every hour.


+ + Conservatives United and Standing for Justice!


Our goal is simple. We want to hand-deliver at least 100,000 Letters of Support to Sheriff Joe’s office within the next two weeks. We anticipate national and local media will be there, and we’ll also invite local Tea Party citizens and key lawmakers throughout Arizona to join us as well.


And with your help right now, we can make a profound impact -- a rally of sorts for what is good and decent in our great nation!

We must rally behind Sheriff Joe!

With almost 50,000 letters ready to be delivered, we are almost half way toward reaching our goal of 100,000, but we are counting on you.


Patrick,be sure to rally your friends and family members.

Encourage them to stand with you in support of Sheriff Joe, who is living up to his billing as “America’s Toughest Sheriff” by standing strong amidst increasing pressure – initiated by those who seek to destroy the work and reputation of the conservative lawman.

We can and must do more to support Sheriff Joe. Please take a moment right now to alert 30-40 of your friends and family members to stand with Sheriff Joe during this critical time.


Urge them to take a principled stand for Sheriff Arpaio and his dedicated staff of law enforcement officials by clicking here:?

Thank you for supporting Sheriff Joe!


Grassfire Nation


P.S. Help us deliver 100,000 Letters of Support for Sheriff Joe –

to his Phoenix office, Holder’s Department of Justice, and to Capitol Hill. Click here now to sign the letter of support:


Then, consider ordering your copy of Grassfire Nation’s “2012 Tea Party Survival Guide.” This amazing 144-page resource gives you the blueprint to survive and thrive during this critical election year. Click here now to reserve your copy:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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