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Pressure mounting on Holder to resign

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Jan. 26, 2012

The botched "Fast and Furious" gun-walking scandal has put the white-hot spotlight squarely on U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. And throughout Congressional investigations attempting to uncover the truth, Holder has been vague, deceptive and arrogant.

With one U.S. Border Patrol Agent already murdered, the Washington Times is reporting that a U.S. Immigration Agent may have also found a similar fate ... and still no answers from the head of our nation's top law enforcement agency!

Although Holder is scheduled to appear before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee a week from now  (February 2), his staff has informed the investigative committee that they would not be providing key documents necessary to the case.

Without these documents what does the Committee hope to accomplish?

+ + 75,000 Petitions and Faxes Heading to Capitol Hill

Patrick, unless Americans demand accountability and justice in the "Fast and Furious" gun-walking scandal, this latest investigation will prove to be nothing more than a dog and pony show!

That's why Grassfire Nation is thrilled by the grassroots response to our "Holder Must Go!" petition. Already more than 50,000 signatures have been gathered, with hundreds pouring in each hour. However, with less than a week before our delivery to key Congressional leaders, the White House and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, we are asking key members of our team to intensify grassroots pressure on Holder in two critical ways ...

+ + Alert your Friends and Family

First, we literally have just days to reach our goal of 75,000 petitions -- a number that clearly demonstrates the anger Americans are feeling over this botched weapons operation that has flooded Mexico and the U.S. with firearms that have already been used to kill hundreds!

Forward this message to your friends right now encouraging them to sign our petition so that Grassfire Nation may represent them during this important delivery early next week.

Click here to sign our "Holder Must Go!" petition ensuring that your voice is heard on Capitol Hill.

+ +  Fax Your Members of Congress and Key Leaders Today

Another critically important way to impact what has become a tragic situation if for citizens to send faxes directly to their two  Representatives, Senators and other key leaders demanding accountability and justice!

With just a click of a button, Grassfire Nation will schedule and send your personalized faxes for you. Just click here now.

If you prefer to send faxes on your own, click here to access our fax targets and letters for easy download.

Regardless of the method you choose, don't delay. As we mentioned earlier, Holder is scheduled to appear on February 2 -- a week from now. With your help we can reach our petition goal and ramp up grassroots pressure within Congressional offices -- pressure we believe that could hasten Holder's demise as U.S. Attorney General.

Click here now to choose your targets and schedule your faxes for immediate delivery.

In order to get to the truth, it is up to grassroots Americans to demand the truth!

Thanks in advance for standing with us.

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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