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Court circles wagons to protect ObamaCare?

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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Jan. 25, 2012

On Monday, the Supreme Court refused to hear oral arguments on whether Justice Elena Kagan should recuse herself from the ObamaCare lawsuit.

This was no surprise. The Supreme Court is the most isolated and powerful branch of government. Despite the overwhelming evidence indicating that Kagan should recuse herself, the Court has refused to take any action.

Let’s review the facts…

The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN) has carefully documented Kagan’s work on behalf of ObamaCare while she served as Obama’s Solicitor General.

**According to JCN, Kagan engaged her department in the strategy to defend ObamaCare in court “before [ObamaCare] had even been signed into law.”  So Kagan was an advocate for ObamaCare even before the final votes were cast.

**JCN also tracks how Kagan was involved in the “deliberative process” for her office’s legal defense of ObamaCare. By definition, this means Kagan has knowledge of information (i.e. the Administration’s deliberative process) which is protected and therefore the other justices may not be allowed to hear!

Go here to access JCN’s full report:

It is clear that Elena Kagan was an open advocate of ObamaCare and that, in her position as Solicitor General, she was involved in defending the legislation.

By any judicial ethical standards, she should recuse herself.

But now her colleagues on the Supreme Court are “circling the wagons” to protect their elevated station in our society!

But this goes beyond her personal sense of ethics…


Federal law (28 U.S.C. 455) clearly stipulates the grounds for judges to disqualify themselves in cases, including if the judge’s “impartiality might reasonably be questioned” or if the judge served in federal office as “counsel” or “adviser” or “expressed an opinion” on a matter.

Kagan has crossed all these lines and by law she must recuse herself for the ObamaCare case -- something she has already done dozens of times on other cases. But for ObamaCare, Obama’s hand-picked advocate refuses to step aside.

To make matters worse, much of the facts of Kagan’s open advocacy on behalf of ObamaCare was not disclosed during her confirmation hearings and has only come to light in the last few weeks after repeated Freedom of Information Act inquiries.

The Obama team hid the facts of Kagan’s ObamaCare advocacy!

+ + Immediate Action Needed

Grassfire Nation has launched a national petition calling on Justice Kagan to recuse herself form the ObamaCare case or to be disqualified by appropriate legal means. Already, more than 20,000 citizens have signed. Now, with the Supreme Court “circling the wagons,” it’s time for grassroots citizens to let their voice be heard:

Please go here now to sign the petition:

We have posted links to resources, including JCN’s excellent report, so you can study up on this very important issue.

Again… we are just weeks away from the most important legal showdown in years. And as it stands right now, Obama’s hand-picked justice -- who openly supported ObamaCare -- could cast the deciding vote.

Thank you for taking a stand!

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. We cannot allow Obama’s hand-picked advocate of his ObamaCare law to cast what could be the deciding vote on ObamaCare. Sign the petition today:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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