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Wilderness under siege -- Stand up for wilderness!

The Wilderness Society

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Jan. 23, 2012

Americans own millions of acres of wild forests, streams, prairies, deserts, and wetlands. From mountain peaks to lush green valleys, America’s wild heritage is one of the greatest things about this nation.

However, it seems Congress doesn’t see it that way. Since last year, the 112th Congress has mounted an unprecedented siege on America’s wild places.

Stand up to Congress and tell them to protect, not destroy, our wild places!

The 112th Congress is determined to turn your American heritage over to the highest bidder. What anti-wilderness members of Congress are working on:

  • Legislation to hand over millions of acres of wildlands to land developers and oil and gas companies.
  • Legislation that would cut funding to conservation, threatening to shut wildlife refuges.

Don’t let Congress give away your parks, your refuges, your wilderness. Sign our petition, and tell Congress to defend, not destroy, our wild America.

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Don’t let Congress destroy your wild places!

Sign our petition today!


The Wilderness Society