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Jan. 21, 2012

Will Americans ever start thinking for themselves? Will they ever wake up?  Perhaps this video clip will help.  Or will it? Maybe not.  This will take twenty minutes away from the stuporvision, but it could change your life.  It could even save your life.     If you agree then please send it on to others you care about. - Tom



With a father who at 19-year of age had a reward placed on his head as a ‘terrorist; had fought in four conflicts by the time he reached 40-years of age, political radicalism was bound to flow through my veins.

My mother, once a devout nun, had been a gun-runner and correspondent friend of Dolores Ibarruri (La Passionaria). She was the Red firebrand who set Spain to flames by a conspiracy that invited nationalist resistance.

One of the ironies of life is that I would not have been born had a Spanish Falangist, during the dreadful Battle of Jarama (Madrid), missed his target; my mother’s then fiancé. She went on to marry his close comrade, my father.

In turn I was fuelled by my own generation’s injustices. These were quite different from theirs and offered the additional benefit of hindsight.  Like many others, my revolution was fought in a brown rather than a red shirt. I achieved much but this isn’t the time or place for that.

Pre-Internet I was politically educated by books bought covertly from non-mainstream bookshops; Dublin and the U.S. I ploughed endlessly through weighty volumes. I had many dreams but there was one that bugged me. Was it possible to produce just one book to bring down the entire pack of Capitalist / Communist lies?

Such a book would go some way to bringing revenge for the cruel deceptions that had hoodwinked earlier revolutionaries into thinking Communism was a genuine opposition to Capitalism rather than it being the other side of the Capitalist coin.

My one-volume book would have to be convincing. In other words it must not be based on my opinion but on indisputable facts. It would need to be compiled in an easy to read way; a one-volume book that whilst best read start to finish could be opened any page to have the reader exclaim his or her astonishment at its revelations.

I think I did it; the reviews suggest I did so. WITNESS TO HISTORY is a time-sensitive compilation of quotes, from all sides, in the major conflicts that brought death to some fifty millions; slavery to many more; and the misery, even today, of hundreds of millions.

Capitalism and cohort Communism were the victors of the 20th Century. Today one is dead, the other in its death throes. Together we can make the 21st Century the peoples; WITNESS TO HISTORY is a cornerstone; another turning point in the road to international peace and justice.

To live on in the hearts of those you leave behind is not to die. If Adolf Hitler can unite the world in a desperate bid for world peace and justice then it is our generations’ duty to continue his work.

There are 25 Chapters in WITNESS TO HISTORY: each an epitaph to the lies and crimes two the two-headed Capitalist/Communist beast that devoured the world.


Michael Walsh

Author : Historical Analyst : Journalism

Voice of Europe International Broadcaster Since 1964


Michael Walsh


The Capitalist pack of cards started to crumble with the fall of the British Empire. It was followed by the collapse of Wall Street’s slave plantation, the Soviet Union; we all watched in fascination. Each day television showed clips of the peoples of occupied Europe breaking their shackles. Those images are no longer shown by conventional media. They don’t want you to remember.

There are images that do leave their mark on the heart and conscience. One haunts me. It was a Romanian coalminers rally; they were protesting at their not being paid. It was December 1989. The smug Capitalist-supported Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, his family and cohorts surveyed the assembled thousands with cocky self assurance.


The West’s television cameras panned to an unusual sound. Among thousands gathered one miner with his hand in the air. He began to shout what was clearly, ‘Out! Out! Out!’

The cry was taken up by assembled miners and mothers; daughters and sons. That one man became a dozen, then a hundred, a thousand until the massive square was filled with thousands of protestors jabbing their hands in the air in the direction of their tormentors on government balconies: ‘Out! Out! Out!’ It was an ear-shattering crescendo.


The cameras panned to Wall Street’s mobsters: I watched fascinated as the dictators’ expressions changed from smug self assurance to edginess then fear. For them Wall Street’ experiment was over. Ten days later they were treated as they had treated the workers; trussed like chickens, Ceausesco and wife Elena were put against a wall; sprayed with automatic fire and left in the street.

The American government had rarely criticised the dictator’s inhumanities; it issued a statement: ‘It was regrettable.’


Why do I bring this up now? Because we are seeing the first signs of establishment restlessness in Wall Street and Capital Hill; we see it in the chancelleries of Europe and London’s 10 Downing Street.

Never in 45 years of political life have I seen former German Chancellor Adolf Hitler so popular. Chancellors since have been as phoney as their make believe enemy, Nicolae Ceausescu; much the same can be said for their electoral gangster cohorts.

Today we cannot pick up a newspaper, turn on a radio or television without being reminded that if we don’t support the crooks we get the fuehrer. Their smug self assurance is beginning to wear thin.

Throughout Europe there is a stirring; those hostile to the National Socialist epoch are becoming fewer in number; those thinking again are becoming more outspoken and confident. It reminds me of a miner’s hand raised high and his shout, ‘Out! Out! Out!’

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You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself

any direction you choose.

You're on your own.

And you know what you know.

And YOU are the guy

who'll decide where to go.

~ Dr. Seuss ~