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Grassfire Nation Update

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Jan. 19, 2012

According to a just released Fox News report, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the self-proclaimed “Toughest Sheriff” is living up to his billing by digging in his heals and fighting back against the U.S. Department of Justice ...

Sheriff Joe, the report indicates, has “filed an appeal to a federal ruling that his office profiles Latinos and bases immigration enforcement on racially charged citizen complaints.”

You may also recall from our earlier updates, that Arpaio has repeatedly asked the DOJ for clarification into the charges against he and his staff -- clarification that the DOJ has yet to provide.

Arpaio has also been very outspoken in accusing the DOJ of a politically motivated assault against his department because the Obama administration is courting the Latino vote. Arpaio alleges his commitment to law enforcement is getting in their way of getting votes.

Even worse, the DOJ has stripped Arpaio’s officers of their Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) credentials -- further eroding law enforcement capabilities and putting millions of American citizens at risk!

Although no surprise, the fact that the Obama administration and the DOJ would put Americans at risk for the purpose of appealing to Latino voters is utterly offensive.


Patrick, this isn’t an Arizona problem.

This is an America problem, and we are so grateful that you have quickly responded to our call to action by signing our “I am Standing with Sheriff Joe” letter of support!


+ + Americans Are Standing With Sheriff Joe!


Since launching our national “Support Sheriff Joe” letter initiative, we’ve rallied thousands of citizens ...

A great start, but we must quickly amass at least 50,000 signatures of support over the next several days so that we can effectively respond.

Please take a moment right now to alert your 30-40 friends and family members to stand with Sheriff Joe during this critical time.

Make certain they understand the issue, and be sure to point out that regardless of where they live, they are at risk!

Urge them to take a principled stand for Sheriff Arpaio and his dedicated staff of law enforcement officials by clicking here:

Americans from coast-to-coast and everywhere in between should be outraged by this administration’s behavior and actions towards Sheriff Arpaio and his dedicated team of law enforcement officials, and we are counting on you to help us spread the word about this Obama-led attack on Sheriff Joe.


Encourage your friends to join with you in answering back by signing below and alerting your friends -- urging them to click here to join you:


Thank you for turning to Grassfire Nation!


Grassfire Nation


P.S. Don’t allow the Obama administration to silence conservatives like Sheriff Joe! Click here now and pre-order your copy of Grassfire Nation’s “2012 Tea Party Survival Guide.” This amazing 144-page resource gives you the blueprint to survive and thrive during this critical election year. Click here now to reserve your copy:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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