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Dilma Rousseff - STOP ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION of the BELO MONTE DAM at Pimental

Dr. Lilliana Corredor / Ama Ri Al

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Jan. 18, 2012

Beautiful heart,


Please copy and paste this message to the PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL=> DILMA ROUSSEFF – and email to address below ASAP. Please add your name.


Help save: a whole river system, 400,000 hectares of pristine Amazonian rainforest to be flooded and the lands and livelihood of 40,000 indigenous people.


Plus save the earth’s atmosphere from hundreds of thousands of tonnes of METHANE GAS (20 TIMES more TOXIC than CO2) that would be produced by the decomposition of the flooded forest.


Thanks for caring. Bless you


Dr Lilliana Corredor / Ama Ri Al

Water Expert, Environmental Educator

Founder- I LOVE THE AMAZON – Global Awareness & Action Campaign


PS Please forward to your list




To: <>

Subject: Re:Dilma Rousseff - STOP ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION of the BELO MONTE DAM at Pimental


President Dilma Rousseff,


Please STOP the ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION of the BELO MONTE DAM, which started mid January at the Pimental site on the XINGU RIVER.


The construction earthworks taking place at present at the site of Pimental on the Xingu River are in direct BREACH of the COURT ORDER PROHIBITING THE CONSTRUCTION of the Belo Monte Dam and VIOLATES INDIGENOUS RIGHTS.


It is your governments’ responsibility to ensure court orders are obeyed. Else why have courts if your government turns the blind eye to breaches of the Law with impunity?


I thank you for your prompt action to stop this construction. There is world-wide opposition to this project as already mention to you in thousands of submissions we have sent by post to your office.


Sincerely yours,





----- Original Message -----
From: Lilliana Corredor
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:24 PM
Subject: FW: Dilma Rousseff - STOP ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION of the BELO MONTE DAM at Pimental