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Occupy Movement Surges on Capitol Hill

Martin Di Caro, WMAL

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Jan. 17, 2012

number of protesters from Occupy movements across the country will descend on Washington D.C. today for 'Occupy Congress,' a day of political action designed to call attention to their discontent with the influence of corporate money in politics.

"This is going to be the biggest coming together of the most diverse group of occupiers from around the country," said Ben Zucker, a member of the Occupy D.C. media team, told

Zucker said between two and five thousand protesters are expected to arrive from out of town. The protesters' schedule begins at 9 a.m. at the Capitol where they plan to attempt to meet with members of Congress to discuss their grievances.

"One of the big grievances ... is the corporate money in politics and corporate influence on politic elections," said Lucas Thayer, 26, a Los Angeles resident who travelled to D.C. for the events. "We feel that corporations own our country now and the people don't actually control it, so it is not a true democracy."

Protesters say they are protesting the influence of corporate money in politics and will show the House of Representatives what real democracy looks like. (photo: Scott Thuman/ABC7/WJLA)

Protesters say they are protesting the influence of corporate money in politics and will show the House of Representatives what real democracy looks like. (photo: Scott Thuman/ABC7/WJLA)

Thayer admitted that Congress has not paid much attention to the protesters but that he was determined to get Americans' attention focused on their message. "Congress doesn't intend to listen to us because we don't have money to give them," he said.

Zucker, 22, who works for a market in Friendship Heights, said convincing Congress is only part of their mission. Speaking to the '99 percent' is also important. "I think the whole country is having a conversation about how big money and influence is kind of controlling where our society is headed and where it has been."

McPherson Square remains the protesters' home base. Small tents are packed together and covered by large tarps to break the frosty wind.

D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray has asked the National Park Service to evict the occupation citing rat infestation and other public health concerns; to date Park Service officials have sided with the protesters' First Amendment rights.

"It doesn't seem like he wants us evicted politically," said Zucker of Mayor Gray. "It just seems like he is doing what the health department has been asking. It's not up to him and our presence in this park is important to the city."

See Also:

Protesters have gathered outside barricades around the Capitol in DC.

Robocall Congress

America Occupies the Capital