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How YOU Might Be Called a Terrorist

James Wilson Policy Research Director,

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Jan. 17, 2012

Media Alert: Downsize DC President Jim Babka guest-hosts a radio show tomorrow. Details in the P.S.

Downsize DC President Jim Babka recently wrote an analysis of the detainee provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act. You can read it at the Tenth Amendment Center.

I have borrowed some of his analogies and facts to write a letter to Congress urging repeal of these provisions. I urge you to do the same.

You may borrow from or copy these comments...

Jim Babka explains a plausible scenario... (

* You're concerned about the future of the country and meet with others every week in an activist group.

* One night, a new fellow shows up. He’s frustrated and outspoken. He complains that the time for meetings is over. Something must be done — something that will “get their attention.”

* You’re uncomfortable with his remarks but unsure how to respond; you hope he never returns, and he doesn’t.

But later, you discover...

* A couple of your colleagues met with the newcomer and decided to carry out a plot against a U.S. Government facility.

* Your club's meeting places and email accounts were used in their communications.

* Because of the actions of a few, your club is designated a "terrorist organization."

* You’ve donated to the club. You’ve participated in its meetings. The night this angry man walked in, you didn’t call the authorities.

As a result, the President can have the military come and arrest you, and you can be held indefinitely in a military facility without charges.

It doesn't matter what the cause may be: environmental, anti-war, pro-life, religious, or anything else. Fear of being swept up because of inadvertent "association" with terrorist plotters will chill free speech and political involvement.

Many in Congress claim the bill exempted Americans. I know that's not true! As Babka further explains...

* Section 1021 exempts NOBODY (despite a last minute amendment).

* Section 1022 doesn't REQUIRE the President to detain Americans in military facility, but it allows the OPTION.

Under these provisions, I have no "rights." Must I fear getting involved in politics?

How can you, as an American, tolerate this? Do you want to be remembered as part of a Congress that passed these provisions?

This Congress CAN redeem itself. Repeal these provisions and restore due process to EVERYONE.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

James Wilson

Policy Research Director, Inc.

P.S. Are libertarians placing too much stock in the Ron Paul campaign?

Paul Craig Roberts says nothing's more important because Paul is "America's Last Chance"

Professor Matt Zwolinski, of the Bleeding Heart Libertarians blog, argues that the Paul campaign is siphoning off too much energy for the payoff. 

Mr. Zwolinski joins Jim Babka, tomorrow (Wednesday), as he guest-hosts Straight Talk w/Jerry Hughes.

You can listen live at 2:07 PM Eastern (1:07 PM Central, 12:07 PM Mountain, and 11:07 PM Pacific).

To hear the show on the web, or to find a local station, visit the network's website.

Affiliates can be found in Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Oregon.

I will monitor my Twitter account for comments and questions during the broadcast. @JimBabka

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