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Jan. 13, 2012

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, our nation’s self proclaimed “Toughest Sheriff in America” and his Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office deputies and staff are being victimized by the Obama Administration and Eric Holder’s Department of Justice (DOJ) in what can only be described as a politically motivated assault.

Why would someone, anyone want to destroy the reputation of a committed public servant who by all accounts is doing his job in spectacular fashion?

Because while performing his state-appointed duties to confirm the eligibility of ALL presidential candidates seeking to be on the ballot, in early December 2011, Sheriff Joe Arpaio publicly announced that his team’s findings on Barack Obama’s eligibility would be “controversial!”

Soon after his bold announcement, the Obama Administration’s bullies at the DOJ descended on Maricopa County to investigate Sheriff Arpaio’s law enforcement practices… alleging several forms of discrimination and abuse. 

The DOJ went as far as to summarily STRIP officers within the department of their federal immigration authority -- meaning THEY CANNOT ENFORCE IMMIGRATION LAWS!

You heard that right …

On December 21, 2011, ninety-two Maricopa County Detention Officers were forced to lay down their Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) federal badges. 

Patrick, this is utterly outrageous. Obama and his cronies must be challenged for creating a national security risk -- a risk that impacts us all!

Go here now to stand with Sheriff Joe and against Obama’s jack-booted intimidation tactics:

+ +  Leftist feeding Frenzy Against Sheriff Joe, and it is working!

Now, the Obama-controlled media and other far-left organizations are also piling on – disseminating a character mugging on Sheriff Joe in a blatant malevolent campaign against the ultra-Conservative Sheriff. 

Grassfire Nation finds this baseless, politically motivated DOJ attack on Sheriff Joe to be reprehensible, and is mobilizing a strong grassroots response to counter this effort through their “Support Sheriff Joe” letter initiative.

In a massive show of grassroots support, Grassfire will hand-deliver letters from citizens across the nation to Sheriff Arpaio, The Department of Justice and key members of the U.S. House and Senate Judiciary Committees demanding an end to the Obama/Holder witch-hunt. 

Click here now to express your support for Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the work of his department – and to denounce the yet, unproven allegations by Eric Holder’s Department of Justice!

With Obama posturing for the Hispanic vote, this attack against Sheriff Joe couldn’t be more convenient.

Even though Arpaio has agreed to work with the DOJ to resolve any issues of merit, they have yet to offer specifics verifying the basis of their allegations…

That’s because this is not about right and wrong. This is a politically motivated attack designed to shakedown and destroy

a conservative lawmaker who is relentless in his pursuit of law enforcement.

Step up right now and join the thousands of Americans from all across the nation who are standing up to Obama’s tactics by adding their names to our statement of support for Sheriff Joe.

Go here now to have your petition hand-delivered by Grassfire Nation:

Due to the liberal media’s constant drumbeat against Arpaio, he has received death threats and been targeted by leftist hate groups. Yet, Sheriff Joe is still standing his ground – and seeking reelection to his post!

Will you stand with him right now by clicking here?


Your Friends at Grassfire Nation,

P.S. After signing, please alert your friends. Urge them to join with you by clicking below and standing with Sheriff Joe against Obama’s baseless attacks:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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