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Message to Obama: Remove Eric Holder

Grassfire Nation Update

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Jan. 9, 2012

Grassfire Nation Update



Eric Holder’s tenure as U.S. Attorney General, has been punctuated by scandal, dishonesty and an utter lack of accountability…

And nowhere have those sentiments been more on display than during the Congressional investigation into the “Fast and Furious” gun walking scandal that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and the murder of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

The American people deserve answers. Angry and frustrated by Holder’s lack of transparency, Americans are demanding his resignation through a national petition effort.

Go here to join with thousands of Americans who are calling for Eric Holder’s resignation as U.S. Attorney General.

On February 2, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will again scrutinize Holder about his knowledge and role in the botched “Fast and Furious” gun scandal …

However, prior to the hearings, Grassfire Nation will hand-deliver petitions demanding his resignation to the White House, key members of Congress and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Be sure your petition is included in this important delivery by clicking below:

Click here so that Grassfire Nation may represent you on Capitol Hill:

After signing your petition help ratchet up the grassroots pressure to ouster Holder by alerting your friends -- urging them to sign the petition by clicking below:

All gathered petitions will be hand-delivered prior to the Feb. 2 hearing. Don’t delay. Thank you for turning to Grassfire Nation!

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Help right the wrong that is Eric Holder. Click below and sign our petition calling for his resignation and then alert your friends. Urge them to click here now:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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