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Occupy the Caucuses group blocks Democratic Party headquarters


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Dec. 29, 2011

Democrats were the target Thursday afternoon of Occupy the Caucuses demonstrators who attempted to highlight the role of corporate cash in politics by taping dollar bills over their mouths.

Protesters blocked three entrances to Iowa Democratic Party headquarters in Des Moines. Twelve people were arrested after they refused to leave. Earlier Thursday, five Occupy the Caucuses demonstrators were arrested at Ron Paul’s offices in Ankeny.

Thursday marked the second day of protests by members of Occupy the Caucuses. Protests are expected to continue today, four days before the Iowa caucuses, with events at various campaign offices of Republican presidential candidates, organizers said.

Demonstrators said they believe their arrests highlight and add urgency to their message. Tactics of civil disobedience, they say, have been used in all of the nation’s successful social movements.

“The current political discourse, which is within the parameters of the Democratic and Republican parties, is all owned, bought and scripted by the corporate elites,” said long-time peace activist Frank Cordaro, 60, of Des Moines, who was among those arrested Thursday.

“We see ourselves as trying to save our democracy through the only means left for the people — our rich tradition of civil disobedience.”

One expert on the history of political movements said the partisan nature of the protests by those affiliated with Occupy Wall Street, a loose coalition of people who seek to highlight issues such as corporate greed and income inequality, have likely turned off some Americans.

That’s because history shows the power of civil disobedience comes from violating specific laws that people believe are unjust, said Cary Covington, a University of Iowa political science professor.

Protests Wednesday at Mitt Romney’s campaign offices and a Wells Fargo branch likely took on too partisan a tone by focusing only on a Republican presidential candidate, he said. Even though demonstrators countered with an event Thursday at the state’s Democratic party headquarters, their actions may alienate too many people to be effective, he said.

“The problem is as soon as you make it partisan, you lose a lot of the people you’re trying to reach,” Covington said.

Protesters had originally planned to target President Barack Obama’s campaign offices in Des Moines, but shifted locations when they learned no one had worked at the office for the past week or so.

At the Democratic headquarters, more than two dozen demonstrators demanded Obama stop accepting campaign contributions from Wall Street, ease the mortgage crisis by ending foreclosures, halt indefinite detentions and listen to the concerns of the average American.

“We’re here because (Obama) has shut us out,” said Ross Grooters, 37, of Pleasant Hill, who was arrested.

Iowa Democratic Party Chairwoman Sue Dvorsky briefly met with the protesters. She said she would talk with them for as long as they wished, but only after the caucuses and at a different location. She assured them their message was being heard nationwide.

“Your message is being delivered,” Dvorsky said. “Not getting the answer that you want is not the same as not delivering the message.”

After Dvorsky and Iowa Democratic Party Executive Director Norm Sterzenbach talked with protesters, they tried to return to the office. Demonstrators, however, blocked their way.

Sterzenbach chastised the tactic. In a statement, he called the move a “very dangerous precedent.” It was the second time this month the group had protested at party offices.

“As we have told this group previously, an occupation of our office is an unacceptable course of action,” Sterzenbach said.

Five people were arrested at Paul’s headquarters in Ankeny on Thursday morning at an impromptu demonstration that decried the Republican presidential hopeful’s support for abolishing the Environmental Protection Agency.

“We are women, mothers and grandmothers, mourning the destruction of our planet,” the group chanted repeatedly. “We are fighting for future generations. … Don’t dismantle the EPA. We won’t allow this business to open before our demands are met.”

Arrested were Megan Felt, Lisa Bonar, Jessica Renzicek, Julie Brown and Clarke Davidson.

All were charged with simple trespass and were cited, then released, authorities said.

Paul late Thursday morning said he thinks there are parts of his libertarian message that would resonate with those involved in the Occupy movement.

“They don’t like the bailouts, and I don’t like the bailouts; so there are some things that we can agree on,” he said. “I think the tea party movement and the Occupy movement are motivated for different reasons, but they come together because they don’t trust government anymore, and that’s why I think I can connect with both groups.”

A total of 27 arrests have been made over two days at four locations.

Reporters Mary Stegmeir and Regina Zilbermints contributed to this story.