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Tell President Obama: Reject Keystone XL once and for all

Elijah Zarlin, CREDO action

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Dec. 28, 2011

Tell President Obama: It's time to reject Keystone XL.




It's on.

Congress approved a two-month payroll tax and unemployment extension bill that forces a decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline in 60 days, and President Obama signed it last Friday.

That means Republicans have gotten their wish — President Obama has two months to decide on Keystone XL. And we have less than 60 days to make sure he does not approve it.

Tell President Obama: Reject the Keystone XL Pipeline. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

President Obama promised us a thorough, transparent review of a new route after delaying the pipeline in November. And the hasty, accelerated timeline pushed by Republicans clearly won't allow this. As the State Department has said, 60 days isn't enough time to thoroughly evaluate the impacts and dangers of this project.

Republicans think they are trying to force a politically painful decision for the President. But instead, Republicans have served up our best opportunity to stop Keystone XL for good this time. Because the reality is, there's nothing politically painful about saying "NO" to a project that makes no sense.

This pipeline is a dangerous giveaway to a foreign oil company, that will pollute our land and water, will not produce a meaningful number of jobs, will not reduce our reliance on foreign oil one drop.

It was projects like this that President Obama inspired us to oppose when he said "Let's be the generation that finally frees America from the tyranny of oil." He certainly did not say "let's be the generation that brings essentially game over to a liveable climate."

By delaying this pipeline, he was pushing this decision until after the election. Now he must face it.

This is the moment — a 60 day window — to inspire President Obama to be the President he told us he would be, and make sure he does not cave to the oil industry and rush approval of this disastrous project.

Tell President Obama: Yes you can, stop the Keystone XL Pipeline! Click below to automatically sign the petition:

The clock is ticking. With enough pressure, we will be closer than ever to defeating Keystone XL.

Thank you for helping seize this opportunity to reject Keystone XL once and for all.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets

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