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61 Members of Congress Call for Resignation of Eric Holder

Conservative Action

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Dec. 26, 2011

Conservative American,

The toll continues to mount:

Currently (but it could change any moment!):

  1. 61 Congressional calls for Eric Holder RESIGNATION!
  2. 81 CALLS FOR A "no confidence" VOTE!

"Impeachment" and "Contempt of Congress" are being real possibilities!

Covering for himself and his commander-in-chief, has Attorney General Eric Holder "on the ropes."

His last obfuscating charade in front of the House Investigations Committee a couple of weeks ago did not gain him an Academy Award. It only showed how much he had to lie to help save his own skin.

Quite frankly, it was genuinely pathetic. Not one clear-thinking American would be swayed by Holder's "bob and weave" techniques.

The performance by Attorney General Eric Holder was intense. He tried to cover his tracks, but to no avail. U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa knows that the Attorney General has lied to his face,so the denials and stonewalling continue at an impressive rate. Holder did not – and will not – accept any part of the blame of the short-comings of Operation Fast and Furious where 2,000 guns "walked" into Mexico and are showing up at murder crime scenes.

In reality, it all comes down to the facts that Eric Holder and patriots, such as yourself---have TOTALLY DIFFERENT GUN IDEOLOGIES!

Eric Holder, like his boss, Mr. Obama, is one of the most ANTI-GUN and ANTI-SECOND AMENDMENT officials ever---period!

Congress STILL is not any closer to hearing the TRUTH! Many Republican members were tired of hearing the same old "Holder spin." Please help us to tell Congress what to do!

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to DEMAND that Attorney General Eric Holder RESIGN for withholding information from congressional investigators!

His recent "No Confidence" vote comes in the form of H.R. 490 which states: "It is the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress has lost confidence in the Attorney General of the United States." So far, there are 81 co-sponsors!

But we believe that calls for his resignation (NUMBERING 61 Congressmen) are taking a real toll on the Attorney General's standing! When he falls don't you want to be part of the team that took him down?

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), original sponsor of H.R. 490 denounced Eric Holder's constant refusal to comply with documents and witnesses requested by congressional investigators,; he sees the continual STONEWALLING by the Attorney General!

Gosar exclaimed: "It is imperative that the citizens of our nation have confidence in our Attorney General. After months of evasive answers, silence and outright lies it is time that Congress speak up on behalf of the many people who have or will fall victims to the firearms in the flawed gunrunning operation Fast and Furious."

Even some liberal places like CBS with Sharyl Attkison are joining us in getting out the truth! She reports; "Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation 'Fast and Furious' to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.

"In Fast and Furious, ATF secretly encouraged gun dealers to sell to suspected traffickers for Mexican drug cartels to go after the 'big fish.' But ATF whistleblowers told CBS News and Congress it was a dangerous practice called 'gun-walking,' and it put thousands of weapons on the street. Many were used in violent crimes in Mexico. Two were found at the murder scene of a U.S. Border Patrol agent."

However, Eric Holder takes absolutely NO BLAME! In fact, he blames it on racism on the part of the media and Congress and YOU.

Last Sunday's New York Times interview with Holder, he openly accused all of his critics of being racially-motivated in their attacks on him and President Obama.

He affirmed: "This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him. Both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we're both African-American."

WOW! Another Obama administration official playing the proverbial "race card" again!

Help put an end to this charade called Fast and Furious; and the stonewalling and lies told by Eric Holder. Demand his resignation today!

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to DEMAND that Attorney General Eric Holder RESIGN for withholding information from congressional investigators!

Congressmen on the House Judiciary Committee were exasperated a couple of weeks ago when Attorney General Eric Holder admitted that emails from his computer were withheld from congressional investigators. Holder stood firm in his contempt: "There are materials we have not and will not produce."

The confrontation with Rep. Darrell Issa produced a lot of sparks; but, still, no answers at all! Issa asked Eric Holder if he was familiar with the word "Contempt of Congress." Issa was referring to requested documents that Holder refuses to provide. The California Representative, who has been stonewalled by Holder before, insisted that anyone incriminated by Fast and Furious should be fired.

Issa emphasized: "I have no confidence in a President who has full confidence in an attorney general who has in fact not terminated, or reprimanded, department officials involved." Issa pressured to bring contempt charges against Holder for refusing to release the requested documents.

Issa equated Holder to Attorney General John Mitchell of Watergate disgrace. "Have you no shame?" Holder barked at Issa, likening the questioning to the McCarthyism era of 1950's hearings.

Eric Holder's continued lack of candor made some of the Members even more frustrated.

Help demand the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder. He must be held accountable for his inappropriate and illegal actions. The charges against Holder are stacking up: perjury and contempt of Congress.

Please mandate that Eric Holder resign not only for the sake of the country, but for those who have been murdered with Fast and Furious weapons on both sides of the border! FAX TODAY!

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to DEMAND that Attorney General Eric Holder RESIGN for withholding information from congressional investigators!

U. S. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) says that it is doubtful that Holder will be impeached. King does not want Holder to resign until Congress can get the entire TRUTH of Holder's precise involvement in the failed Fast and Furious campaign.

King charges: "Someone at ATF had to know that those guns were going to kill Mexicans. What if the guns were approved to kill African Americans? Was race a factor (at the ATF)? I don't know!"


Eric Holder MUST RESIGN!

This is the fourth time that Eric Holder has testified before Congress in reference to Fast and Furious. And---this is the fourth time he has not been forthright in his answers. The stonewalling continues. The outright lies continue. The perjury continues.

We're sure with your help he will soon face "Contempt of Congress" for not providing all the documents asked for.

Americans must have answers. Let Congress know that his RESIGNATION will help give closure to a violent chapter in the Department of Justice. FAX NOW!

The total truth is still not available.

This scam on all of us must end now. The American people demand answers; and, it is up to Congress to get to the bottom of this. It is obvious that Eric Holder will continue to obstruct justice. “Contempt of Congress” is merely the start!

Conservative Action Alerts

P. S. It is a very sad day in the history of this great nation when the number one law enforcement person commits perjury and will be held in contempt. The dawning of a new day will happen when he resigns; and he must resign now! And you can greatly assist in this movement to get the entire truth. Thank you, in advance, for understanding the severity of this moment.

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to DEMAND that Attorney General Eric Holder RESIGN for withholding information from congressional investigators!

You can also CLICK HERE to send a FREE message directly to YOUR U.S. Representative and Senators!

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