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Jhanaouzen / Kazakhstan, 20 Years of Independence !?

Mira Akayeva

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----- Original Message -----
From: Mira Akayeva
To: Patric Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 9:43 AM
Subject: Jhanaouzen
Dear Patric,


Presently I am in Almaty, Kazakhstan. On December 16 Kazakhstan had a celebration of 20 year of Independence. It has started with the mass peaceful protest of fired oil workers in Jhanaozen a little town in the west part of the country. These workers have been protesting for more than 8 months. 

But as you can see in the video above the peaceful protest was attacked by police which used automatic gun fire. 


People are all shocked, because the town is blocked by police special forces, local people live under a total control. Cell phones, INTERNET and the other way of communications are cut off.

Non of the representatives of the Independent Committee is allowed. Moreover, there are many missing among family members. People try to appeal to the police and government offices - no answer. This situation and fire mongering creates a lot of rumors. Nobody believe in government reports about 15 dead and 70 wounded. People believe the numbers are fabricated. 


This Kazakhstan government leader is one of the world dictator, Nursultan Nazarbayev had been in power for more than 20 years. He is one of the richest man in the world. His family are doing everything possible to keep the status quo. 

But people are fed up with lies and corruption.

It's terrible that non of the government officials even bother talking about a minute of science to mourn those who were killed.

This situation has reminded the 25 years ago KGB provoked  man slaughter in Almaty when so many innocent students were killed. 

Most of the information about  this event is still a top secret. The government in Kazakhstan, Russia and many former Soviet Republics are run by the same KGB and communist who started the revolution in 1917. The 20 years of Independence after the Soviet Union collapse is just another mask of the beast this time it's  called "democracy".

God bless those who killed.

Peace and love,
