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STOP NDAA SECTION 1031 Citizen Imprisonment Law before Dec. 13

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Dec. 10, 2011


Why This Is Important

The President and Congress will be sent your signature when you sign.

The President is about to sign a law that makes it so we can be imprisoned for life without evidence or a trial -- as soon as Dec. 13. This law is called NDAA Section 1031. Some people are saying he will veto it, or that the law as written has no effect for citizens, but they are terribly mistaken. Get familiar with the facts at the bottom of this petition. This video contains proof that his administration were the ones who requested citizen imprisonment:

We have only a few days to speak up before the President approves NDAA Section 1031, permitting citizen imprisonment without evidence or a trial. Congress has already passed it overwhelmingly. They were scheduled to give it to him to sign on December 9, but they delayed giving us a small window of time to quickly alert the media and each other. We need people to know the facts listed at the bottom of this petition.

If we act urgently to raise awareness among our friends, family, and colleagues, we can still prevent this. Here is what we can do:

1) Americans must know about this to stop it. Urgently spread this petition as widely as possible. Contact the media by any means available to you. In your correspondence, include the facts listed at the bottom of this petition. 

2) Congress can still block the law before December 13. Write and call your Representative and Senator telling them to stop NDAA Section 1031. Again, mention the facts listed at the bottom of this petition.

   - Contact your Representative at 

   - Contact your Senator at   

3) Write and call the White House to tell the President you won't sit by and watch NDAA Section 1031 become law.

4) Stay smart! Here's a list of the most common points of confusion. Too many journalists are still confused about these facts -- please let them know:

- The bill passed by Congress absolutely DOES NOT exempt citizens. Section 1031 reads, "A covered person under this section" includes "any person who has committed a belligerent act".

- The Feinstein Amendment 1031(e) is dangerously misleading. Don't be fooled: In the text of 1031(e), "Nothing in this section shall be construed...", the only word that matters is "construed" -- the Supreme Court are the only ones with the power to construe the law. The Feinstein Amendment 1031(e) permits citizens to be imprisoned without evidence or a trial forever, if the Supreme Court does not EXPLICITLY repeal 1031.

- Confusingly, Obama previously threatened a veto for 1032, but NOT 1031. 1032 does NOT concern imprisoning citizens without a trial. He has never suggested using a veto to stop Section 1031 citizen imprisonment. In fact, Section 1031 citizen imprisonment without trial was requested by the Obama administration: See the video proof here.