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Occupy DC's Black Friday

Scott Galindez, Reader Supported News

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Nov. 27, 2011

hile Americans were pepper-spraying each other during fights over on-sale merchandise on Friday, Occupy DC at Freedom Plaza had a free store. There was no pushing and shoving, no pepper spray ... nobody was shot. Plans are under way to make it a weekly event in the lead-up to Christmas.

Occupy DC also held a quick flash-mob-type event at a local shopping mall, where their focus was on Target. When the group arrived at the store they first delivered gifts to the Target employees, thanking them for their sacrifice of showing up at work late Thanksgiving night to prepare for Black Friday hours.

After handing out the gifts, the Occupiers held a mic check around a busy escalator, where they blasted the consumerism of the holiday season.

Occupiers in DC hold a mic check at Target, blasting the consumerism of the holiday season. (photo: Scott Galindez/RSN)

Occupiers in DC hold a mic check at Target, blasting the consumerism of the holiday season. (photo: Scott Galindez/RSN)

Scott Galindez is the Political Director of Reader Supported News, and the co-founder of Truthout.

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