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More ways to pressure TransCanada

CREDO Action

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Thanks for taking action.

We need to keep very public pressure on TransCanada if we're going to get them to stop this arrogant land grab. Here are some ways you can spread the word:

If you are on Facebook, click here to post the petition to your Wall.

If you have a Twitter account, click here to automatically tweet:

Tell @transcanada stop threatening the property of landowners for your dirty, unapproved pipeline. @CREDO

You can also send the following e-mail to your friends and family. Spreading the word is critical, but please only pass this message along to those who know you -- spam hurts our campaign.

Thanks for all you do.

--The CREDO Action Team

Here's a sample message to send to your friends:

Subject: Tell TransCanada: Stop your dirty pipeline land grab

Dear Friend,

The arrogance of TransCanada is shocking, even for an oil company.

Even while the White House has delayed the process for assessing a required permit for the Keystone XL, TransCanada is suing landowners who won't sell their land in its preferred pipeline path.

It's wrong for TransCanada to expect landowners to accept permanent damage to their land for the Keystone XL pipeline. It's doubly wrong to threaten these landowners and force them to comply for a pipeline that the company doesn't even have permission to build!

I just signed a petition calling out TransCanada for this astonishing land grab. Learn more and sign here: