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Super Committee Meltdown

David Elliot, USAction/TrueMajority

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Wall Street Occupies Congress
You've probably heard the news. The supercommittee negotiations have broken down. On the one hand, this is good news for progressives because we have avoided massive cuts to vital programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

On the other hand, we know that the supercommittee was unable to reach a deal for one reason and one reason only. Republicans continue to refuse to make the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share -- period. They put their oath to "Mr. One Percent Grover Norquist" ahead of their oath to the Constitution, to the other 99 percent, to the good of the country.

So what happens now? Congress, by its own agreement, is required to cut federal spending by $1.2 trillion over the next decade. And here's the good news: Congress has to cut half a trillion dollars in wasteful Pentagon spending over the next decade. No law has ever required this to happen before.

You've worked hard over these past few months to tell Congress to do things like fund job creation, cut big oil subsidies and cut the wasteful Pentagon budget. Now it's time to make it happen. Pentagon spending must be reined in. We've been fighting together to end wasteful Pentagon spending for years, and this could be our best chance to really make it happen.

This budget fight is just beginning. Some Republicans already are threatening to back out on the negotiated agreement, particularly the nearly $500 billion reduction in Pentagon spending. We have a bloated defense budget, which wastes hundreds of billions of dollars on programs that are outdated and obsolete and add nothing to our national security. We KNOW that spending on war and weapons is a lousy way to create jobs too, especially when compared to better ideas like hiring teachers, paying firefighters or investing in road and bridge repair. The President agrees with us, he says he will veto any changes to sequestration. But your Representatives need to hear from you.

Ask your Representatives to keep the Pentagon cuts and vote in favor of the 99% – not the war-monger corporate defense contractors.


David Elliot

USAction / TrueMajority