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OWS gather steam from nationwide protest cop crackdown

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Nov. 20, 2011

Hundreds of arrests, accusations of police brutality and dozens of injuries - this is how the 'Occupy' movement in the U.S. marked its two-month anniversary this week. Officers in riot gear tore down camps and broke up mostly peaceful demos against the unequal distribution of wealth in major American cities. At the heart of the campaign, in New York, a crowd of activists took to the subway and tried to block off the Stock Exchange. Evidence has been emerging of disproportionate police action in response to the rallies.

At the University of California, a group of students staging a sit-down protest were pepper-sprayed in the face. In an earlier incident, an officer was filmed beating an Iraq war veteran so hard he suffered a ruptured spleen, although he seemed to pose no threat. And yet, as Anastasia Churkina reports, the crackdown is not deterring protesters.